
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Check out "Ladgarda"

( Lathgertha by Morris Meredith Williams, 1913 on Wikipedia )

My viking pirate short story "Ladgarda"
is now up on Luna Station Quarterly.
A grand battle at sea, betrayal, and subterfuge.
The story is based on a Danish legend of a viking shieldmaiden and onetime wife of famous viking Ragnar Lodbrok.

For any women speculative fiction writers, Luna Station Quarterly is a great place to showcase your work.


  1. How exciting! I especially feeling Vikings today after having watched How To Train Your Dragon again yesterday. =) And that's such a neat drawing!

  2. Congrats! I look forward to reading it later when I have a bit more time!

  3. Thank you all! This is one of my stories that has really stayed with me.

  4. Wow! Just read your story! Well done!!!

  5. I'd never heard the term "shield maiden" before. But there she is. Glad to see that you have a story in Luna Station Quarterly. Congratulations.

  6. Congrats! It looks so good up there!

  7. Hi Christine .. what a great tale - and I'll look out for 'shield maiden' .. as I'm writing a few blog posts on the Vikings having just seen the Exhibition at the British Museum ...

    Vikings were an extraordinary race .. cheers Hilary


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