
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - beards not sexy?

Today I'm just wondering out loud...
Why do so few PNR heroes have beards? Or even facial hair beyond the sexy scruff? And when does scruff become a beard?

I'm seeing more and more men these days with beards. Maybe it's a pirate thing, or even a Hobbit movie dwarf thing. My husband says it's a hipster trend. I see as many men with beards with a lovely woman on their arms as I do clean-shaven men.

I'm not a big fan of facial hair myself, but I could be persuaded.

(Alcide the werewolf from True Blood)

Oh yes. Surely Alcide could convince most women that beards are hot!

What do you think about beards: sexy or not?


  1. My initial reaction was, no, I don't like beards, but that's not really true. I think it depends on the guy!

  2. They can look good, but my wife won't let me grow one because it's too scratchy! Also the full on dwarf look with plaits would probably be going a bit far...

  3. Apparently beards are going out of fashion. That's what the news said a couple of weeks ago - they had a whole segment on it, on the breakfast programme - I think it was a slow news day!

    I have to be pro-beard, I live with one! (Hubby, that is, not a strange facial condition of my own!)

  4. The point here is that some men manage to be good looking in spite of rather unfortunate beards, rather than because of them. Almost everyone I've met says 'I don't like beards personally, but I suppose...'

  5. My wife likes a little scruff, but nothing more. Unfortunately, I think most men with beards look far older than they really are.

  6. That dude is one sexy, sexy man!

    I like his beard. As for my hubs? I want him clean shaven because he's the only one I kiss in real life and I like like cheek rash from stubble.

  7. Oops, that's supposed to be I don't like cheek rash :)

  8. I think it depends on the guy. A close-cropped beard is nicer than a scraggly one.

  9. I really dislike bushy beards but I do like a well-groomed goatee... Not all men look good with even that though.

  10. Hi Christine - it's a fad .. some men look good with a beard .. but I saw a presenter recently who'd grown a beard and he'd put on weight too .. so he looked very jowly and rather nastily bearded!

    I don't want to go out with a bearded man though .. way too bristly .. cheers Hilary

  11. No thanks. They can LOOK all right, but I hate the way they feel!

  12. Kept neat, they look good on a lot of guys, but I prefer cleanshaven. Feels better and it's more hygienic. ;)

  13. Beards and goatees... Yes please!!!!!!

  14. My husband sports a small beard and always has since I met him so I have to say they're fine on some guys. I like them short, the scruff, and not long like a lot of MLB players are sporting this year.

  15. I think it depends on the man. Some wear them very well.

  16. Facial hair is scratchy. And good gets stuck in it. There you go. What woman doesn't want to face leftovers when she turns to kiss her lover? ;)

  17. Trimmed and neat, a beard is cool. My hubby has sported a beard most of our married life of 30 years. He has a small mustache, and beard up to his sideburns. He keeps "kissey spots" clean on the chin and has his cheek bones clean for kisses too.
    Coming from Stormy's post on AtoZ.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  18. Thanks for all the beard comments! It seems as though many of you share the same opinion.

    And Heather, you have the right idea! *LOL*

  19. I used to be anti-beard, then my fiancé grew one for movember and... let's say I allow a trim to keep it short and neat.

  20. I think I'm not into them. Alcide and some other hotties with facial hair have me questioning whether I know myself or not . . .

  21. Huh, I've never really a noticed a trend one way or another. Now, I'm going to be watching for it though, haha.


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