
Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Five for May 30, 2014

1. I finished my revisions for WIP #1. It went through some major changes, but it's beautiful. Now I need to find the editor that thinks so too. I queried three publishers earlier this week. I already received one rejection. Yup, two days after I queried, I was rejected. Remarkably, I wasn't totally devastated. I'd love to get picked up by a publisher, but if the manuscript doesn't find a home somewhere, I will self-publish it. A few years ago, I wouldn't have been comfortable with that possibility, but I am now.

2. No word on any of the short stories or the novella I submitted. Waiting never gets any easier.

3. My son had his last day of school and now summer vacation begins. Unfortunately for the poor guy, it starts with him feeling sick. Yet he really wanted to go to his last day of school. I'm happy he loves it so much.

4. Did you see Annalisa Crawford's awesome new cover? Check it out.

5. There are two fabulous giveaways happening over on Untethered Realms. Mary Pax is having a Roadtrip Audiobook giveaway, and Cherie Reich is giving away a huge prize pack of several books including a signed print version of her new YA fantasy novel, REBORN.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. It blows my mind how early you guys break for the summer - It's May LOL! Hope your little one is feeling better now!

  2. Congrats on finishing the revision! Sorry you've already received a rejection for this WIP, though. Will keep my fingers crossed that you have better luck with those other publishers!

  3. Hi Christine .. you are always busy and I'm sure those submissions get forgotten about as you merrily write more and look after the little one.

    I hope he feels better - I'm sure he will, but as you say wonderful he loves school ..

    Cheers and a happy summer .. Hilary

  4. Oh no, your son is sick. What a dreadful start to the summer, but hey, it has to get better. Man I remember that feeling of the last day of school ... why do we grow up again?

    A rejection after two days. Wow, that's weird. And waiting is hard. Best of luck to you

  5. Sorry to hear about the rejection! I've been rejected the same day I sent a query before - ouch! The waiting never does get easier, but it's great that you're comfortable with the idea of self-publishing your work if you can't find a home for it. If you believe in it, I'm sure readers will, too! :)

  6. Thank you so much for the shout-out! Sorry to hear about the quick rejection, but you sound positive so that's good. I always make sure I've got a long list, and when I hear back from one, it gets sent out to two more! Fingers crossed for you.

  7. Glad you're happy with your manuscript! Sorry you got a rejection. I've gotten pretty used to them. And like you, I'm not at all bothered by them. I think you'll be able to market your work, even if you choose to self publish.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Wow! Waiting is hard, but way to go with your writing! And Congrats to Annalisa an Cherie! And to your son - summer vacation is wonderful! I hope he gets well soon!

  9. I hope your son feels better! Waiting can be hard. That's one of the nice things about self-publishing, there is technically no waiting to see whether your book is good enough or not. Thanks for mentioning the giveaway!

  10. So summer is officially here. The moms I know are scrambling to do their last minute things for themselves--lunches with friends, hair appointments. I'm scrambling to finish the reviews I promised and the last revisions on a book.

    I've been over at MPax for the road trip.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Hope your little one feels better soon. Best of luck with the WiP. But I agree with you, no matter what happens, it will be awesome!

  12. Thank you, everyone. My little guy is feeling a bit better today. My hubby, on the other hand, is not that well. Luckily I have a super duper immune system! Have a great weekend. :)

  13. Good luck on the querying! That's a v. cool stage to get to.

  14. Yay for finished revisions and summer vacation!

    Hope your little guy is feeling better soon, and that you get some great news about your short stories.

  15. Quick rejections always sting, but at least you can now send it off where it really belongs. And no, waiting never gets easier. I had to query a couple editors this past week who've gone over their posted response times.

  16. Hope your little guy gets better. The last day of school is always like a party so not surprised he wanted to go!

    Sorry about the rejection, but at least you have one less to wait on. Your writing is awesome and it'll find its way out somehow!

  17. I hope your son is feeling better.

    Friday is the last day of school for us.

    I prefer fast rejections, and sometimes I get a nice surprise after waiting months.


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