
Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Five for May 16, 2014

1. I've been working hard on more revisions for WIP #1. I might have it done in time to query before the end of the month. My goal day to send out queries is the 28th. It's my son's last day of school. If I don't make the deadline, I'm going to attempt not to be too hard on myself. It's important to send out the best story I can, so if it takes a little more time ... I'll likely scream a bit and pout. Maybe eat chocolate and pout some more. Then I'll get right back to work and finish it.

2. I have a busy weekend ahead. A local writer's group meeting, a 5 year old's birthday party, and a school board end of the year party that involves wine and salad. Neither of which I like. I will go and smile and try not to look too awkward.

3. I've gotten a few great reviews these past few weeks for The 13th Floor Complete Collection and FEARLESS. It's wonderful to hear from my readers, and reviews like those can make a crappy day into a good one. A big thank you to everyone who has left me a review and who reviews other books. You are awesome!

4. Still waiting to hear back on some short stories and my geeky novella submissions. Waiting never gets easier, no matter how many years you've been writing.

5. Finally, here are the winners from my giveaway from the My Book Boyfriend Blog Hop! Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who entered. Have a great weekend!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow, you do sound busy! I hope the writer's group meeting goes well, as well as both parties. Also, good luck reaching your query deadline! I agree that crafting the best story possible is better than rushing to meet a deadline, so definitely don't stress out if you can't reach this particular goal!

  2. Yep, you've got a lot going on. Good luck with getting your book in the best shape it can be for querying!

  3. You definitely sound like one busy cat! And you're right: waiting is never easy, especially if you're as ADD as I am!!

  4. If you miss your deadline, it will be all right.

  5. Agreed. I've had many people - some I don't even know - contact me and tell me how much they enjoyed reading my book; heartfelt, enthusiastic comments, not just polite platitudes. It makes me feel terrific and makes all the work of publication worth it.

    Now if I could just get them to post it on Amazon... :P

    Congrats to the winners. :)

  6. You earned every great review. You're rocking it lady!

  7. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't meet the deadline. Chocolate always soothes me, when under pressure. Especially if it's chocolate ice cream. That makes everything better.

  8. Good luck with the revisions! It's always nice to get positive comments from readers. :)

  9. The thing that stood out to me is..."wine and salad". That is just a strange combo!

  10. Congrats to the winners. Good luck on your busy weekend. Wine and salad sounds good.

  11. It'll be hard to get much writing done when your son is out of school. I'm glad you won't be too hard on yourself. Yes. Chocolate helps!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Thank you all. I keep telling myself that if I survive the summer, I get 5 mornings a week to write come the new school year. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Another busy week. Take your vitamins! :-)

  14. Grats to the winners! Best of luck with the birthday party. I could imagine a group of 5-year-olds is going to be a handful!

  15. I recently posted a review of Fearless, which I LOVED!!! :D I still think about your characters, and certain moments from that story keep popping into my head at random times. I think you should write a sequel, because I think Abigail's and Demetrius' adventures could continue. ;)

  16. You've got a busy couple of weeks by the sounds of it... you can do it:) And I'll get something back to you this weekend:) Hope it helps. Congrats to the winners.

  17. Good luck on meeting your deadline!

    As for the salad and wine party, take beer and chips!

  18. Be kind to yourself, even if you miss your deadline. I've struggled with knowing when a MS is "ready" to be queried. Usually, that means one more pass before I query.

  19. I love wine, but the salad varies, there are so many! But I'm with you on:

    Reviewers being TOP (Thanks so much for the 5* review you did for Finidng Esta - so, so love seeing that.) Although, I so wanted to review yours on a post first. I should just review your series already! It's awesome. - Check!

    Oh, and feeling awkward at gatherings - check!

    Meeting deadlines is important BUT not as important as the quality of the finished product - check!

  20. You have been busy, busy! Congrats on being so close to query stage.

  21. You sound very busy, indeed. Waiting. I think it actually gets harder the longer you write. I think we have a storehouse of waiting chips to play that get depleted much faster than they're replenished. Only thing to do is forget about your submissions and work on something else.


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