
Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Five for April 4, 2014

1. I'm having a lot of fun with the A to Z Challenge this year. I'm getting to visit a lot more new blogs which I haven't done in a while. Don't forget to join me and the other awesome authors at Untethered Realms for our A to Z of fantastical creatures.

2. My fantasy short story, "Summoning Fire" is up on Aurora Wolf - A Literary Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy. It has a dancing summoner, her gorgeous guardian, and a lot of undead.

3. My husband's birthday was yesterday. My son and I baked him a German chocolate cake, and we had pizza for dinner. My husband hurt his shoulder at work, though, and my son wasn't feeling well. It was a quiet afternoon and evening.

4. I haven't had much time to do any writing or revising this week. Again, my balance has been thrown off by other things. So hopefully I can fall back into a good groove next week before my mom comes down to visit the week after.

5. Have I mentioned everything I wanted to? I think so. I'm a bit frazzled this week. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. How exciting about "Summoning Fire"! I've bookmarked it to read once I'm done catching up with blogs. ;)

    And balance is always so, so tricky, so I'm not surprised you weren't able to write or revise as much as you would've liked. Hopefully next week will be better!

  2. Congrats again on your short story, yay!
    And I'm sorry your husband's birthday didn't go quite as planned. Hope your little guy is feeling better and your husband's shoulder isn't too badly injured. And I hope you got to enjoy the German chocolate cake - one of my faves for sure. :)

  3. Congrats on the short story! I hope your husband and son are doing better!

  4. I'm sure your husband appreciated the cake and pizza anyway.
    Congratulations on the short story.
    I hope to visit more new blogs this weekend.

  5. I've been frazzled too. I haven't written a single word, other than blogging, this week. Hoping next week is more productive.

  6. tho not getting much writing done (like me) you are getting lots of other things done! this is the most blogging i've done in a year! glad i am, though. i keep meeting more new people - there's just so many of them!

    may will be better for writing/editing, right?

  7. Too bad your husband didn't get to totally enjoy his birthday. Congrats on your story.

  8. Sorry to hear about your husband's injury and your son's least there was pizza and cake, though, right? I hope they're doing better now.

    Congrats on your story!

  9. Thank you, everyone. I think my little guy just had a night of being over-exhausted, and my husband pinched a nerve so his mouse arm and shoulder weren't working. They were fine today. :)

  10. Congrats on Summoning Faire! I have the out-of-balance whack going the other direction. I'm writing up a storm (finally!) and barely clinging by my fingernails in the blog-visiting dept! Maybe we should try tying a leg together like a potato sack race and balance each other out. :)

  11. I think this week has been crazy for everyone - I really should have thought before attempting to launch a book so close to the A-Z Challenge LOL!

  12. I think this week has been crazy for everyone - I really should have thought before attempting to launch a book so close to the A-Z Challenge LOL!

  13. Congratulations on the short story and glad the family is all well again.


  14. You have quite a few things to sing about today! Congratulations on all of them.

  15. I'm feeling frazzled for the past few weeks and have been unable to find my groove... really need to though... fingers crossed for both of us.

  16. Enjoyed your story, Christine -- great characters and descriptions. Keep up the good work.

  17. Sorry you're frazzled, your hubs hurt his shoulder, and your son isn't feeling well. I hope everything gets better - and congrats on the short story! :)

  18. you are so busy! once your mom comes, you can relax, right?

    summoning fire sounds cool! will have to check it out!


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