
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Vote for The Harbinger, please!

I am honored to have one of my books chosen as a nominee in BigAl's Books & Pals (review site) Readers' Choice Awards in the fantasy category. They've chosen the fourth book in The 13th Floor series, THE HARBINGER. From all the reviews and emails I've gotten, this is by far the favorite of my readers' too.

In the twelve months ending February 28th, 2014, BigAl and the Pals will have received over 1,400 books to consider for review and published 368 book reviews. From those, they chose the books they felt stood out from the pack as exceptional examples of indie (self-published and small press) writing and divided them into thirteen categories.

Now here's where I need your help. To win, I need your votes. Voting starts today at 10:00 a.m. EST and goes through to the 12th. I'll be reminding you throughout the next ten days.

BigAl's Books & Pals is a huge supporter of indie authors. A great place to get your books reviewed. I'm eager to find out who all the nominees are.

Please go vote for THE HARBINGER.


  1. You've got my vote!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Christine. ☺

  2. It says that page isn't available - where do I vote?

  3. How exciting!! I will definitely vote. Good luck!!

  4. Thank you so much! The voting opens at 10:00 EST. (I probably should've added that!)

  5. I'll be back to vote -- good luck, Christine. Quite an honor to be nominated, methinks.

  6. Voting wasn't open yet...I will try again tomorrow :)

    Best of luck! And congratulations on being named one of the 13!

  7. Awesome, congratulations. I'll be voting!

  8. Congrats on such an honor! The Harbinger is my favorite of the series and I voted! :)

  9. I've read it so it has my vote Christine. Well done for standing out. I do hope it wins :D X

  10. Hi Christine .. good luck - you have my vote .. cheers Hilary

  11. I love The Harbinger, so I most definitely voted for you! :)


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