
Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Five for February 21st, 2014

1. Thank you so much to DL Hammons and the Blog Blitz team. I was blitzed last Friday. It totally shocked me. And it felt absolutely wonderful. What a way to end the week! This is one of the reasons I love the Blog Blitz. You, too, can make other people feel this fantastic. Join the Blog Blitz team now!

2. Thanks to the blitz, I now have over 500 followers! Yay! I'm also nearing 850 posts on this blog. I think it's time to do a giveaway. Let me think on this. I want to make it worth your while.

3. It hasn't been a terribly productive week. I've been distracted by babysitting, headaches, and Archer. I managed to do some revisions to my superhero WIP, but little else. If I push it these last days of February, I might be able to finish the 3rd draft by the end of the month as I planned.

4. When I'm working on a WIP or critiquing, I always do it with the document single-spaced. I don't know why this is. I think maybe the extra white space of double-spaced documents is distracting. How do you usually format documents that you're working on?

5. Our household is just getting over a sick week. We haven't been horribly sick, but something icky has been sticking around. So we have no plans for the weekend except resting up. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Over 500 followers? Wow!

    Also, sorry about the slow productivity this week, but at least you still found time to work on your WIP! Good luck wrapping up the third draft before March!

  2. I hear you on the not being productive thing - this week has sucked for me, too! Hope next week is better!

  3. Sorry about your sick week. Glad the blitz did so well for you.

  4. Glad your blitz was a good one and increased your followers. Sorry about the sick week. I'm sure it made it hard to get much writing done. Hope you have a healthier week this week.

  5. I'm glad you had fun with the Blitz. They're great! I hope you and your family get some much-needed rest this weekend.

  6. Congrats on over 500 followers!

    I always use single-spaced, but that's how you format, and I try to keep the draft as close to the end product as possible.

  7. Glad you're feeling better.
    Congratulations on five hundred followers. The Blitz Team is awesome.
    I always single space. Double spacing just makes the document feel longer.

  8. Congrats on the Blitz and the followers. Sorry you've been sick and dealing with headaches - I hope the weekend is better and you all gets lots of rest. Take care!

  9. Sorry to hear you've been sick—hope everyone's feeling better soon.

    I format my documents the way they're supposed to be formatted at the end. Or, as close to it as I can get. Double space is way too much space.

  10. Hi Christine .. congratulations on the blitz Friday - great idea of DL's ... and now over 500 followers - that's pretty amazing.

    I hope the sick bug has decided to walk away now and that the weekend can be a time of recuperating ..

    Cheers Hilary

  11. Congrats on the Blitz. Sorry about the cold that's sweeping through your house. Get well!

  12. Our weekend is tax weekend so that's pretty yuchy. At least it will be warmer.
    Sorry I missed your blitz. I was driving to Boston that day.

  13. That is awesome that you got new followers from the Blitz!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  14. I haven't been productive either because I've been recovering from SFWC plus juggling lots of the kids' activities.

    I double space my docs because that's how they'll be submitted to agents and/or publishers.

  15. Congrats on all the followers! And I tend to get so all consumed when I write that I have to take weeks off sometimes to save my marriage. My poor wife.

  16. Christine, I had to check out last Friday. 146 comments! Wow! I was wondering how you'd replied to them all. I don't think I'd be too scared of this now. It just seems so exciting.
    You're not alone in being not very productive, put it behind you and carry on.

  17. Happy Friday, folks! Thanks for stopping by. Seems like many of us were sickly and/or had unproductive weeks. I have tissues and cookies. Pass them around! :)

  18. Hi Christine,

    Congrats on accumulating over 500 followers. Although I hate the word, "followers."

    I hope I never get subjected to that Blog Blitz. Sorry about this again, but too many people were only mentioning the blog blitz and not the actual posting.

    Sorry about your distractions. However, please don't put yourself under pressure.

    Now rest and continue to get better, Christine. Have a peaceful weekend.

    Gary :)

  19. Congrats on the blitz... it was a lot of fun:)

    I always write double space and already formatted. Not sure why. Just feels more tidy that way:)

  20. Wow, 500 follwers, must check that out. Congrats. Glad you're all feeling better now, this winter has been very hard on lots of people. Had a friend who got the flu, ended up in a coma in the hospital and died. Health is an important thing.

    Traveling Suitcase

  21. Yay for 500 followers and 850 posts. WOW!! Am I horrible that I'm relieved I'm not the only one who's gotten less done on their WIP than they meant to? Hubby's off from work, hanging around the house, and I can't get anything done! Argh!

  22. Way to go on the blitz, Christine -- you deserve it. I usually screen-edit 1.5 spaced and print-edit 2.0 (more room for all of my marks and comments that way).

  23. Congratulations on reaching over 500 followers, and 850 posts!

    Find time to write with kids around can be tough, can't it? Glad to hear you're still making progress on your superhero story, though. I can't wait to read it again when you're ready.

    Good luck meeting your end of the month goal! :D

  24. Woo hoo! Congrats Nicole on your amazing cover.


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