
Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Five for February 14th, 2014

1. Happy Valentine's Day! And it's Friday! Yippee! You have a few hours still to enter to win books from 21 authors in this great giveaway. I'm giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection. Don't miss out on this chance to treat yourself.

2. As another treat, an interview with my handsome dragonslayer, Xan (from 1303 - THE DRAGONSLAYER) was reposted on Cover Girls yesterday. Go on over for a laugh and some eye candy!

3. I managed to get through critiquing 3 short stories this week. I'm getting nitpickier as I grow as a writer. Am I more so with myself? I think so, but I know I'm still biased at times. Thankfully I have such wonderful CPs and betas to help me. I also made the halfway point on my second draft with my #2 WIP. (#1 WIP is with CPs and betas right now.) I might be able to keep on track with my goals and finish the third draft of #2 by the end of the month.

4. I cut up a ton of strawberries for my son's preschool class today. They're having a little Valentine's Day party. He's not quite so excited about today. More often he asks if he's four yet. He knows he turns four in April, and he really wants to be four!

5. I have my local critique group meeting tomorrow. I sent in my first chapter from #2 WIP. I do wonder what they'll think of my superheroes. That's the only plan I have for the weekend. What about you?


  1. Weekend plans involve staying in and writing!

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like you've had a busy week! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day! Good luck for your "critique" meeting.

  4. Happy Valentine's Blitz! So fun to (virtually) meet another geek-mom writer. And best of luck with those critiques!

  5. Happy V Day Christine! Thanks for being an awesome writer and such a supportive blogger. Enjoy your writing group and strawberries....I'm so hungry for strawberries! (((HUGS)))

  6. You've been busy! I'm working all weekend (and digging out from yet another snowstorm). Happy Valentine's Blitz!

  7. Tell him four will come soon enough.
    Happy Valentine's AND Blitz Day!

  8. Your critique group is going to LOVE your chapter!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY....and...HAPPY BLITZ DAY!

    Enjoy! :)

  9. BTW...Viklit is being BLITZED today as well, in case you want to drop by. :)

  10. Happy Valentines Day and Blitz Day.


  11. Happy Valentine Blitz Day!

    I'm hoping for a nice, productive writing weekend. Hope yours is fantastic!

  12. Happy Valentine's and Happy Blitz Day, Christine! I hope you have a great meeting with your group tomorrow. Loved Xan's interview - it's always good to see shirtless Xan pop up. :D

  13. Happy Valentines and Blitz Day for you. Sounds like you are on a writing roll, plus all with a almost 4 year old. Wow. Have a great weekend

  14. You're being blitzed! I wanted to know, also, where your blog header came from--it looks super-cool.

  15. Happy Blitz Day!

    The more we grow as writers, the more we see mistakes. Hopefully we do see them in our own work.

  16. I'm teaching a friend's writing group how to write queries this weekend. And that's pretty much all I've got going.

    Happy Blitz day!

  17. Happy Blog Blitz Day & Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day, Christine!

    From Zan Marie, who is blown away that you have a hero named Xan. ;-)

  19. Hello, Christine! That's so cute about your son. My niece just turned four in December, and she was the same way. I don't know what she thought would happen when she turned four, but it must not have been that great because the day after her birthday she couldn't wait to turn five. LoL! Just wait until they're our age and want time to go backwards instead of forwards, hahaha.

    Happy Valentine's Blitz Day!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  20. Happy Valentines Day to you, and happy blitz day too :)

  21. Aw your poor son, having to suffer Valentine's at his age. I wonder how many girlfriends he'll have be the end of the party? :-)

  22. Busy lady! Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day to you!

  23. Ooh, you have a handsome dragonslayer. I want one! LOL Wishing you a Happy Blitz Day!!!

  24. Happy Valentine's Day :D I hope you enjoy your weekend :) I've got a gymnastics meet to go to and edits to work on so it'll be busy for me :)

  25. My niece's school cancelled today, so their party was cancelled, too. So glad your son will get to have his.

    Happy writing!

    Oh...and, Hello from the Blitz!

  26. Happy Valentine's Day oh and it's blitz day too. You lucky thing you.

  27. Wow! I'm totally floored. Thank you, everyone. What a treat! I'm blushing. :)

  28. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day.
    Good luck with your critique as well

  29. Finding good betas and a good crit group is such a hard thing. I'm super lucky like you and have the best of both. Hope the kids enjoy all those strawberries!

  30. Happy Valentine's Day & Blitz Day all-in-one. I like the premise for your 13th Floor Series. Very cool.

  31. SO much goodness!
    Happy V Day!
    I'll check out that awesome giveaway!
    And, XAN!


    You've been blitzed!

    Have a great day!


  32. Sounds like an awesome Valentine's Day. Wishing you the best in accomplishing everything on your list.
    Fun having your blog as the first on the BLITZ.


  33. Strawberries and Superheroes? I'm definitely going to camp at your house! Happy Blitz Day!!!

  34. Hi there! Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Blitz! Best wishes for your continued success!

  35. Kids want to grow up so fast, don't they? As a mom of six children, I can testify, it's true!
    Happy Valentines day and Happy Blits day!

  36. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day! it's so cute that your son can't wait to be four! Have a great weekend.

  37. Being a picky writer is absolutely the best. And getting three stories of any length critiqued is excellent.

  38. HAPPY BLITZ DAY! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things going on. Enjoy them!

  39. Happy Blitz Day! Thanks for being so supportive of other authors. You rock!

    Hope your son has fun at his Valentine's Day party!

  40. Growing as a writer is pretty great isn't it? Makes you so much more effective in your Critique group, and of course your work. Have a great weekend

  41. Sound like a nice balanced week.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you (and Happy Blitz!)

    I plan to eat a lot of great food this weekend.

  42. Happy Heart day and Blitz! You are doing fabulously well-bravo!

  43. Awww! I miss pre-school & grade school Valentines parties. My "little guy"---who's now 16 and several inches taller than me is going to be on stage tonight in his first high school play! So that's my big weekend plan.

    And happy Blitz Day!!!

  44. Aw, how cute. Love that pre-school age.
    A big Happy <3 Day to you! And HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  45. Good luck with your WIPs and critique group. I've had a hard time finding a local group I like. Happy Friday!

  46. Well, you've been busy lol have a great time at the critique group meeting tomorrow and have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Christine ;)

    Also...happy Blitz Day!!!

  47. Happy Valentine's Day AND Blitz Day, Christine! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  48. happy blitz day, and valentine's! fun blog! My plans for the weekend are to finish up some chocolate from my parents and write! :)

  49. My son turns five in April, and he keeps asking if it's his birthday yet, so I know what that's like.

    Happy Valentine's Day, and Happy Blitz Day!

  50. Sounds like a busy week - but a nice writing week-end.

    Happy Valentine's Day #Blitz

  51. #3.
    I think we all go through phases in writing and critiquing. Sometimes we'll pick nits and sometimes we'll let things go that we like, even if they're flawed.

    It's the circle of life or uh, something like that, I suppose. :)


  52. Happy blitz day and valentines day sweetheart!!!!!!!!

  53. Happy Blitz! And Happy Valentine's Day! Off to follow you around the web :-)

  54. Mmm, strawberries. I remember wanting to be older. A day used to take forever.

    Yay on your progress. I'm working on a short story this weekend and getting my class together for a workshop I'm teaching in April.

  55. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I plan to stay home and relax for most of the weekend. I need some sleep! :)

    Enjoy your blitz!

  56. I think there's a part of me that really wants to be four too. :) Precious times.

    It's difficult not being biased when it comes to critiquing, but I think one's awareness of it is beneficial in that it tempers criticism with tact, if not wisdom.

  57. Happy Valentines Day and Happy Blitz Day

  58. Happy Valentines Blitz Day!!

    I love your Friday Five! I have not posted here often, but I always read it!

  59. Congrats on how much you've gotten done lately! Man, I really feel like I should be doing more with my time!

  60. If only my problem with critiquing was that I wasn't nit-picky... *sigh* Christine, I'm headed over for some eye candy. Happy Valentines day, and hope you enjoy the blitz! You are loved. =)

  61. I hope you got to EAT some of those strawberries! Happy Blitz! Oh, and I'm a new follower :)

  62. I'll be eating way too much this weekend, but I can revert back to my normal ways next week. Happy Blitz day and bet of luck on your WIP's.

  63. Thanks for the giveaway suggestion!!

  64. Your son is such a sweetie. Four will be here before he knows it. : ) Strawberries are one of my favorites. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family and HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  65. Happy blitz day! (Oh, and Valentine's Day.)

    I hope your critique group has lots of great comments for you on your WIP.

  66. Happy blitz day! (Oh, and Valentine's Day.)

    I hope your critique group has lots of great comments for you on your WIP.

  67. Happy blitz day! (Oh, and Valentine's Day.)

    I hope your critique group has lots of great comments for you on your WIP.

  68. Happy Valen-Blitz day. My weekend will consist of editing my current WIP and eating the chocolates my lovely husband gave me today.

    Have a great weekend!


  69. Happy Valen-Blitz day. My weekend will consist of editing my current WIP and eating the chocolates my lovely husband gave me today.

    Have a great weekend!


  70. So glad I found this blog - I'll be checking back! Happy Valentine's Day.

  71. Happy Valentine's Day and Blog Blitz Day!

    I'm celebrating my anniversary!

  72. Good luck with your goals!
    Happy Blog Blitz :)

  73. Happy Blitz Day! I know the feeling of getting more nitpicky as one develops as a writer.

  74. Happy Blitz Day! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  75. Happy Valentine's Day, happy Friday, and happy Blog Blitz day! Yum, strawberries!

  76. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day!

  77. Hi, Christine,

    Looks like you've got a lot of things on your plate today.

    I understand all about kids who can't wait to be a little bit older.

  78. Happy Valentine's Day and Blitz Day! Kick back and enjoy some chocolate and a good romance novel / movie :)

  79. Happy blitz day! And strawberries - yum!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  80. Happy Blitz Day. (Such a great concept.)

    I've become more critical of stories since I started writing, too. I have to turn off that part of my brain when I read for pleasure.

  81. Happy Valentines Blutz Day! You rock, today and everyday!

  82. Happy Valentines day and happy blitz day! We got my girls each a white rose and chocolates. Kids don't usually celebrate vday in France- considered an adult holiday here but I think it's cute and wish they got to experience valentines day card exchanges like I did as a kid. Enjoy your day!

  83. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your son ended up liking the strawberries even if he's not quite four yet.

    My guys are getting strawberries too with chocolate fondue, but mine are older (52,19, and 17) and they think it's wonderful.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  84. Happy Blitz Day, Christine! And A Valentine's Blitz Day ... that doesn't happen very often! :O)

  85. Happy Word Love on Valentine's day (and your BLITZ day!) My son didn't really get into Valentine's day until later. He is 12 now and is always excited to bring chocolate milk to class... but he has expanded and now is bringing Doritos as well.

    I have found myself being nitpickier, too, but I know for myself those can be the most useful critiques. I usually just offer it anyway and say, "I am curious about.... " rather than, "you need to change this to that" and blahdy blah.

    You are my first ever Blitz Blog Comment... how fun for this newbie to be commenting you!

  86. Happy Valentines and Happy Blitz Day!

    Sending lots of love. :)

    anna @ Deeply Shallow

    Sign up for the #atozreveal now!

  87. Sounds like you've had a wonderfully productive week!
    Happy Valentine's Blitz Day!

  88. Happy Valentine's/Blitz Day!!! Tonight hubs is taking me out and tomorrow I'm attending a writer's conference in my area :-) Pleasure to meet you here today . . . I'm a fellow YA writer <3

  89. Good luck with the second draft of your WIP! Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day and enjoy being blog Blitzed as well! :)

  90. Happy Valentine's day!

    And happy Blog Blitz too!

  91. Happy Blitz-Valentine's Day! Nice to see you again.
    I remember almost was...ten years ago, and my oldest is almost 17...time flies.
    I'm a geek mom, too, and love Jeopardy.
    Your writing plans are so...organized. I just got my post for today (I try to M-W-F) just about 30 minutes ago. Sigh.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  92. Busy day! Tell your son it'll go by faster when he's older. :)

    You've been blitzed!

  93. Valentine's Day AND Blitz Day???? You are loved!!!

  94. To be fair, who doesn't want to be four????

    Happy blitz day!

  95. Critique groups are great support.
    Happy Blitz day!

  96. Hey, Christine!

    Happy Valentine's and BLITZ!

    Sounds like you're having a fun day and gearing up for a very interesting weekend!

  97. Happy Valentine's Day. I wonder if the day will come for your son when he stops looking forward to being a year older. I don't know when it happened to me, but it was decades ago. Happy Blitz Day.

  98. The strawberries sound good. Have a great valentines day. I love the line underneath your blog title, BTW.

  99. The strawberries sound good. Have a great valentines day. I love the line underneath your blog title, BTW.

  100. You've been blitzed :)

    It's crazy how writing makes you so much more critical, right? Scoping out your giveaway now.

  101. Sounds like you've been super busy. Me? My hubby and I plan to stretch out Valentine's Day for the whole darned weekend. He's taking a nap right now, so I had time to pop onto the computer long enough to wish you a HAPPY BLITZ DAY! Enjoy!

  102. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend plan that involves writing but isn't all booked up. Enjoy! :)

  103. Good luck with your critique group & happy Blitz day!

  104. Happy Blitz Day and Happy Valentine's Day!!! :D Best of luck with your critiques!

  105. Happy Valnetine's Day and blitz day too!

  106. Sounds like you had a productive week. I spent the first part of mine in the hospital and feel kinda uninspired. I am part of the blog blitz.

  107. Happy blitz Valentine's day to you an happy almost-birthday to your son! I also have an almost 4 year old:) geek moms unite:)

  108. Happy Valentine's Day AND happy blitz day!!

    That's so cute that your son can't wait to be 4. :)

  109. Interview with the dragonslayer? Now that's one I've got to go see! Have a great valentines day!

  110. Nice post~~Happy Blitz day!

  111. Happy Valentine's Day! And Happy Blitz Day! I hope it's been a fabulous day! :)

  112. I don't get by here often enough, personal, I don't get out much anywhere anymore. Trying to do better. You always have something interesting to say and are always so busk, busy, busy. I do not know how you keep up.

    Have a great Valentines Day and enjoy being blitzed.

  113. I've got some nice plans for my night. Apparently, it involves watching Journey play a concert on TV... that non-Steve Perry singer they have is pretty amazing.

  114. Happy Valentines Day, Christine,
    Hope you get great reviews. God bless, Maria

  115. Happy Valentines Day and Happy Blitz Day

  116. Happy Blitz Day...and Valentine's! I absolutely love the dark purpleness of your site. It rocks!

    So great to meet you. Be happy!

  117. Happy Valentine's Day and blitz day! Sounds like you are on a role with writing and editing. Keep it up!

  118. Happy Blitz Day and Val Day Christine. When he's four, he'll be ready to be five. Boys, so cute and demanding.

  119. We're on blizzard watch this weekend, so I'm keeping plans to a minimum: writing, writing, and writing.

    Happy Valentine Blitz Day!

    VR Barkowski

  120. Critiquing taught me so much about the whys of writing rules. Am I as critical of my writing? mmm, yah, and sometimes too much and it bogged me down. I had to reteach myself to just let go and write and not worry about being perfect the first draft.

    What a great idea for a preschool party--strawberries. And isn't it funny how certain years are important to our kids? I remember with mine, he wanted to be 10. *Shrugs. Have no idea why he chose that particular year--several years before he got there--but he was thrilled when he turned 10, lol!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  121. Sounds like you have been really busy Christine! Good for you and Happy Blitz Day!

  122. You're making awesome progress so huge congrats:) Before you know it, you'll have a handful of new books being launched:) Can't wait.

  123. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Blitz Day! :)

  124. Happy Valentines day and Blitz day, a twofer.

  125. Sounds like you've been very busy! I look forward to checking out your books. Hope you enjoyed being blitzed!

    Happy Writing!
    Anne :)

  126. Finally getting around to saying Happy Blitz Day! :D I hope you had a fun one :)

    I really need to join a local critique group. I know of one but I just find it hard to make myself do things on "school nights" when they have their meetings.

  127. Way cool to be making progress on all your goals. I do believe a writer does grow by critiquing others. and of course getting experience with writing and publishing helps you be a better critiquer.

    Have a good weekend.

  128. Love strawberries! Happy Valentine and Blitz day!

  129. Happy Blitz!

    I have to agree with your son - birthdays are much more important than Valentine Days. Even if they're also Blitz Days.

  130. Happy Blitz! Strawberries and critiquing--what a great way to celebrate Valentines!

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. That does sound like a busy week!

    Enjoy your blog blitz

  133. I hope your critique meeting is fun(I wish I could go to one w/real live people in front of me!) Also, Happy Blitz! Sorry I'm late...

  134. Happy Valentine/ Blitz day ;) better late than never

  135. Happy Valentines Day, Raine. I've had an offline weekend, which is why I'm late to the Blitz. Wishing you all the best with your crit group and your new book!

  136. I spent a weekend at the beach with my family so I'm late to the Blitz party. I wish you much success with your book! Happy Belated Blitz!

  137. I like the Friday Five idea. You are one busy woman. Sorry I missed the blitz last week. Personal matters trumped everything else.

  138. Hi Christine - you were blitzed weren't you ... how wonderful on Valentine's Day too ..

    Cheers Hilary


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