
Friday, November 15, 2013

Realms Faire 2013 - Drench-a-Wench

Alas, 'tis the final day of Realms Faire 2013.
But oh, what a magnificent festival it has been!

One more day of festivities.
One more day to soak someone with blog love.

The rules of this event are simple:
1. The dunkee is chosen by committee.
2. I post a link to the dunkee's blog and you click on it.
3. You leave a comment, soaking the person in blog love.
4. You're entered into a daily drawing for a chance to win an ebook of your choosing from M. Pax and my ebook, The 13th Floor Complete Collection.

If you participate in three days of this event and two of the others Realms Faire events, you will be entered into a grand prize drawing. This drawing has one amazing prize:
A 50 page critique by me
PLUS ebooks from M. Pax, Julie Flanders, Laura Eno, Ellie Garratt, and me.

Who's the final wench we get to drench?

 Ready those comments and throw them at the wonderful Clare Dugmore!

Yesterday's lucky winner is Mina Lobo!
Congratulations! An email is on its way.

Visit all the events for your chance to win more prizes this last BIG day of Realms Faire 2013:
Joust ~ Stockade Brigade ~ Dueling Bards ~ Phasers ~ Masquerade Parade ~ Collective Performance ~ Castle Jumble ~ Dragon Hunt

You also have one more day to cheer for the brave Sir Xan at the Joust. He's competed all this week without a shirt. Warm him with your cheers. Remember you can cheer up to three times a day, and you must use at least one of the key words to score points. Xan's key words are:
Xanthus Ehrensvard, 13th, and cutpurse.

We need a bunch of cheers to catch up with the knights in the lead. So here are some cheers you simply have to copy and paste!

Three cheers for Xanthus Ehrensvard! The other knights are but brides of trolls!

See brave and shirtless Xanthus Ehrensvard. Not even the most craven cutpurse would dare tangle with him!

Huzzah! Xanthus Ehrensvard is the one true knight. He has killed his 13th dragon and captured a cutpurse as the villain tried to take his lady's purse.


  1. It's the final day already? That week sure went by fast!

  2. Aww, thanks for choosing me to be drenched. :)

  3. Hope you've had a jousting good week!

  4. This has been such a great event! Can't believe the week is over already.

  5. XAN needs some votes!

    Great job this week.

    Lots of fun.


  6. Final day! Then we can rest... maybe. :D Thanks for helping to make the faire such a success. You're awesome.

  7. The week went really fast. Hope you had fun at it.

  8. So sorry to have totally missed this fun festival! sounds like everyone had a good time though.

  9. The week went by really quick, but it was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who joined in and especially to those who cheered for Xan. :) Have a great weekend.


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