
Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Five for November 1st, 2013 & Ribbon of Darkness cover reveal

1. First, another thank you to everyone who helped and followed along with my blog tour last month. It was a long haul, but so much fun. Don't forget to enter the final giveaway on Clare Dugmore's blog. There's still one chance left to win a signed copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection.

2. Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo 2013. I'm excited. I'm participating even though I don't have much time to write this month. And today I assist at my son's preschool, so I won't have any time to write the morning or afternoon. Our trick-or-treating was postponed to tonight since we had a huge storm pass through the state yesterday. If I'm lucky, I might get an hour or two to write after he goes to bed tonight.

3. I'll be taking a step back from blogging during November and December. I have a lot of pre-scheduled posts. (It actually doesn't look like I'm taking a break at all with how many there are!) I'll pop in now and then, but two weeks this month will be taken up by family visiting. We're getting in all the family visits this month so we can have a relaxing Christmas without any traveling. We did that last year, and it was fantastic. Our Christmas gift to ourselves to have a stress-free holiday week.

4. I'll be focusing on writing for NaNo this month and revising another novel in December. Then in January, I can fall back into my regular blogging schedule. You know, I still haven't settled into anything new after we lost Google Reader. That will be something I need to do too. A productive chore to do when I'm procrastinating about revising.

5. I will certainly be around in a few weeks for Realms Faire 2013. It's going to be tremendous! There are several events and giveaways planned. I'll be hosting the Drench-a-Wench / Soak-a-Bloke event. It's fast, easy, and tons of fun. I'm also participating in the Joust this year. Please come cheer my champion, Sir Xanthus Ehrensvard, and defeat last year's victor. Click on the badge below for all the details.

Now on to Decadent Kane's gorgeous cover reveal!

An old family secret draws Ribbon into an Elven world while Draven is forced to find a way to drag her back home to save Christmas magic.

Release date: December 13th, 2013

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Elf legends: Legends generally portray elves harmful to humans and their name comes from ancient Germanic word meaning nightmare. ( )

Find out more about the author, Decadent Kane: 


  1. I think November is a hard month for a lot of people to find writing time. Which is why we're all out to write 50,000 words in 30 days, right? =)

    I'm hoping to pull off a win, but even if I don't manage that, it'll still be fun.

    Best of luck to you...and enjoy your blogging break!

  2. Wow, you sound busy! I hope all the family-visiting goes well. Also, good luck with NaNo! I did that a few times back when I wrote novels, and it definitely isn't easy to do...

  3. Hope you have a great and productive November!

  4. You are a busy lady! I'm doing NaNo also. Good luck!

    Thank you so much for taking the time ti help me with my cover reveal. I appreciate it.


  5. That is a beautiful cover! I didn't know you could postpone Halloween. Hope they have fun tonight! have fun with visit and good luck writing!

  6. It's amazing how many people think elves are nice. Congrats Decadent!

    Well, so far I'm ahead on NaNo... by 20 words! If I can keep that up, it'll be fine. I also don't have time to write today, so I did 700 words from midnight last night and the rest at 5am. We definitely have to bend our regular patterns to do this. Best of luck!

    I use Feedly, which is good, but I've hardly had time to lately, I've just been visiting back to commenters! After Nov I hope I'll settle down, though.

  7. Looks great, Decadent!
    I'm on vacation this month as well and will scale back for a while. Writing? Maybe. Not sure yet.

  8. Like your idea of a stress free Christmas holiday. Enjoy your family visits.

    Sandy at Traveling Suitcase

  9. Good luck with your NaNo project! I think I just may have to cut down on blogging a bit as well this month. It's day one, and I already feel behind! :)

  10. I'm doing Nano too. See you over there!

  11. Good luck with NaNo! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate!

  12. What a great cover!

    Good luck with NaNo, I'm amazed how much you have going on. And glad I'm not the only one who hasn't really found a replacement for Google Reader. I use Feedly but don't really care for it, and I can't get in to Bloglovin. I don't like change LOL.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Best wishes with NaNo and the revision of your novel!

  14. I haven't been by in awhile (sorry) looks like you're keeping busy!! I hope you have fantastic family visits!

  15. Wishing you good luck with NaNo, and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting family. I love the fall/winter season - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. They're the best part of the whole year because of family and friends - and holiday food rocks!! ;-)

  16. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. Decadent's cover is awesome! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend, folks.

    And if you're doing NaNo: WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!

  17. Love the cover and doing NaNo as well...Writing! Life is certainly getting in the way right now so it is challenging!

  18. LOL, "Drench a Wench/Soak a Bloke." I think I need to learn a bit more about that! :-)

    Good luck with NaNo; I don't have it in me at this point in my life. Maybe next year!
    Check Out Mina's Resurrection Blogfest II!


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