
Monday, October 7, 2013

13th Floor collection tour - "The Shadow" - and the winners of the first giveaway

Happy Monday!
I'm not usually a Monday person, but today is a big day. Not only is there another giveaway and a chance for you to win a signed copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection, but I'm going to tell you about the bonus short story that's included in the book.

You might know it's called "The Shadow,"
but it's not at all what you expect.

Join me at my awesome friend and critique partner, Cherie Reich's blog for the reveal and the giveaway.
Then go pick up Cherie's fantastic prequel to her YA fantasy series The Fate Challenges, "Magna's Plea."
It's free!

Now for the winners of week 1's giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations to the winners!
Emails have already been sent.


  1. Congrats to the winners. Well done.

  2. Will definitely be checking out Cherie's blog later for the reveal! :)

  3. YIPEE! I am a winner! Thanks Christine and congrats to the other winners!

  4. Congrats to the Winners and you are doing a fantastic job Christine. I love the new picture in your profile too. :) I know you've had a week or two- but I'm just getting around to blogs again.

  5. Great job in getting the word out about your books. And congrats to those who won.

  6. Congrats to the winners!

    Glad to host you on my blog today, Christine! The Shadow is an awesome bonus to the 13th Floor.

  7. Wahoo! Have I mentioned I'm loving the collection? Actually, I'm trying to embarrass you a little bit today on my blog and will post a RAVE review shortly. Awesome work, Christine!

  8. Thank you all! I'm excited to reveal the short story, and to be giving away books to people. :)

  9. Mondays are not my days either. Hope the giveaway goes well!

  10. Yay for winners! Will pop by Cherie's!

  11. Kudos to the winners and I'm off to Cherie's blog now

  12. So much great news out there today!



  13. Huge congrats to the winners... they are indeed very lucky.

  14. I chuffed to bits to have won your collection and I've made a start. Awesome! Thanks Christine! X

  15. CONGRATS to the winners!!


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