
Monday, August 19, 2013

W4WS event for August 2013

Welcome to the August 2013 W4WS event! I'm honored to co-host this event with three talented writers, Mary Pax, C.M. Brown, and Stephen Tremp.  The mission of this group is simple: we have a spotlighted author(s) that we strive to help bring awareness of their book(s) to tens of thousands of new people, increase the sales of their book(s), drive new traffic to their blogs and increase followers, and create verbal and viral buzz.

We've made this simple and fast. It's as easy as a tweet or a RT, and sharing a status on Facebook. Go to the writer's blog and copy a tweet or RT from the posts with the tag #W4WS. The W4WS Facebook page will have all the updates and links for you.
To join the W4WS event, click here for the linky list. It will only take a minute of your time, and you'll have talented writers take a step closer to their dreams. 

Carrie Butler has a great passion for NA and is co-founder of NA Alley. Check out her fabulous NA paranormal series called The Mark of Nexus. Her first book in the series, STRENGTH, will be available for 99 cents this week! You can find Carrie on her website, Twitter, and Facebook.

C. Lee McKenzie is a YA and MG writer with several wonderful books available including ALLIGATORS OVERHEAD and THE PRINCESS OF LAS PULGAS. She also has immensely helpful advice for writers on her blog. Check Lee out at her website, Twitter, and Facebook.


  1. Carrie Butler and C. Lee McKenzie are both great writers, as are you, of course :)

  2. Great authors selected this week...:)

  3. I've already been Tweeting for them this morning!

  4. Awesome- will see how I can help.

  5. Good luck to Carrie and Lee! I'll be doing Retweets throughout the day.

  6. You've done a super job co-hosting, Christine! But then we expect nothing less from you. You always do good work here.

  7. It's so nice of your to cohost for them! They're two great writers!

  8. Thank you to everyone for helping out. W4WS is a fantastic group! Good luck to both Lee and Carrie!

  9. Picked up Carrie's book now to visit C. Lee.

    Thanks for the wonderful comments about flirting today. I'm not good at it, otherwise I'd have sold that book! :)

  10. I've been sending out tweets and such. Good luck to Carrie and C. Lee!

  11. You are amazing, Christine. :D Thank you!


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