
Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Five for August 9, 2013

1. This week is the one year anniversary of the release of FEARLESS. I haven't had much time to do anything in the way of a celebration, but I'm happy to report that it still receives wonderful reviews and has had over 12,000 downloads. The biggest critique is it's too short. I'm taking that as the readers want more, and thus it's a compliment! You can get your FREE e-copy of the novella on Amazon and Smashwords.

2. I haven't had a chance to do as much writing this week as I wanted. I think I'm over-thinking my short story. I tend to do that with short pieces. Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the weekend. Knock on wood.

3. I've decided to push back my release date for the 13th Floor collection. There's no way I can have it ready for September 13th. Plus, my critique partners are immensely busy this month. I don't want to add to their loads. I'm doing the cover reveal on September 13th and the official release on October 13th. Yet I want to make October a 13th Floor month. Lots of guest posts, excerpts, tidbits, and giveaways. I'll do an official announcement next week. It was difficult for me to push the date back, but I feel relieved now that I've finally decided to do it.

4. Next week will be a busy week for me. I have my son's preschool orientation, and my husband will be gone for Gen Con Indy. So I'll be a con widow for three days. My son and I will be going with my husband to the convention on Sunday for Family Day. If anyone out there is going and you want to say hi, please let me know! They have a great four day program for writers called the Writer's Symposium. Most of the seminars are free with the purchase of the badge. I highly recommend it. I've learned a lot from years of attending the Symposium.

5. I took my son for his first pony ride yesterday. He was very excited, but then didn't want to ride the pony. His reason: it wasn't "proper." I couldn't get any definite explanation out of him, but he refused to ride. He talked, pet, fed, hugged, and examined the horses. He wasn't afraid. He almost went under a male horse curious as to what was dangling there! I told him what it was, and he nodded, curiosity sated. I had to explain what it was in front of the lone stablehand. A quite handsome stablehand.

Have a great weekend!


  1. His curiosity must be keeping you pretty busy. and amused. :)

    have a nice weekend!

  2. I just downloaded Fearless. Thanks and I can't wait to read it. Good luck with the October release.

  3. Oh, wow! I can't believe FEARLESS has already been out a year. Are you still planning to work on FEARLESS 2 at some point?

    And I think October is perfect for the entire collection. After all, paranormal goes well with October (autumn, Halloween, etc.).

  4. Pushing back the release date is a good idea...less stress! We are bound to run into eachother in October when I push my book as well :)Have a great week-end and congrats with your great reviews....time sure does fly!

  5. Yes, I'm always in too much of a hurry, Christine, have a great weekend, too.

  6. Love the horse story. Too bad he didn't get on. I miss those days of taking the kids to pony rides.

  7. Wow, congrats on all those downloads! Fearless is such a great story I'm not surprised.
    Very cute and funny about your son and the horse. :D

  8. HA HA HA! Gotta love it when our kids ask us such poignant questions on the spot, when others are around to hear your answers! I wonder what was holding him back from taking that pony ride? Although, it sounds like he enjoyed himself just being in it's company.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Thank you, folks! I always giggle after the fact in situations with my boy, but I always tell him the plain truth of things and saying horse penis in front of a stranger is a bit embarrassing! *LOL*

    Cherie, I might still make Fearless 2 into a novella. Though, I'm also considering a third novella and putting them all together in a collection. Not that I need another project! =P

  10. A big congratulations on your book! Sounds like you have a lot of good irons in the fire.

  11. That's fantastic for Fearless... congrats:) Sounds like you're going to be busy in the coming months too... can't wait to read your new story:)

  12. Hi Christine .. I enjoyed Fearless - the first ebook I read through on my Kindle! Not really my thing .. but you held my attention

    Love the snippet about your son - kids they do make us laugh ..

    Have a happy time with your son after your family day and you leave your hubby to enjoy his writerly sessions .. Hilary

  13. Happy anniversary. I'm glad your series is doing well.

    Kids and their questions. :)

  14. Happy Anniversary! I am going to increase the downloads count by one :)

  15. 12,000? That's great! And a good number of reviews, too. Keep on keepin' on.


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