
Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Five for August 23, 2013

1. I want to first give a HUGE thank you to Heather Musk at Reading, Writing and Everything In Between. She started something new on her blog called Book Thoughts where she'll share her thoughts on the books she's reading every Thursday. Over the next six weeks, she'll be featuring the novellas from the 13th Floor series. She already has her thoughts on THE MARQUIS posted. Please stop by and have a read. She hit on exactly what I was trying to do with that first story.

2. I'm thankful that my son started preschool this week or else I wouldn't have had any time to be productive. I got my revisions done for my short story based on my CPs' critiques and sent it out to my beta readers. So far everyone loves the bonus story for the 13th Floor Collection. I put all the novellas and the short story together in one document to edit it for the collection, and it's over 139,000 words. Wow. I wrote, revised, and put all that out in a year? I'm a bit in shock and giddy with it.

2.5 My son had an excellent first week of school. He's comfortable with the new class and his teacher. He makes no complaints when I leave. Yay! I had my first school meeting, and I was saddled with more responsibilities. Not a huge deal, but I would've preferred to know these things before they were suddenly thrust upon me, and I had no clue what I was doing. I'm lucky to have some good helpers, though.

3. I sent out the info and cover for The 13th Floor Collection last night. I had a long list of people volunteering to help out. I'm so very grateful to you guys. You're awesome! Please forgive me if I forgot you on the mailing list. Just send me an email or leave me a comment if I forgot you or if you'd like to be part of the cover reveal on September 13th.

4. Have you heard of this wonderful group of speculative fiction writers called Untethered Realms? *wink, wink* This week, we all wrote a little something with the prompt: "awesomesauce." It's so much fun to see how different each one turned out.

5. Did you get a chance to peek at my workspace on The Writing Nut's blog this week? Please pop on over if you haven't yet. Here's another look into my world. I was excited to return to the library this week with my son's return to preschool. My usual spot is in a comfy chair at the end of the sci-fi/fantasy section, but unfortunately, that chair with its little table is gone. (You can see in the picture below there's a big empty spot by the windows where it used to be.) So I settled into the little desk with my laptop. It's not quite the same, but I'm trying out new spots. Hopefully I'll find a new favorite.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. So glad you're putting the 13th Floor into a collection. I love reading them :)
    Yay for more time to write. I hope you find your spot soon.

  2. Glad the series will be in one collection. (And I think I got your email about the reveal - I'll have to check.)
    Following Untethered Realms and happy it's part of my blog tour in October.

  3. I hope you find a new spot at the library. And I figured the collection would be a long one, but it's a great collection. I'm so proud of you!

  4. I'm really looking forward to being part of the Collection tour! Great that you have so many participants.

    So glad your son loves his school, I'm sure that is a relief. I hope he will have a great school year. :)

  5. Wow- did he make some progress- I remember when you posted about him crying for you and not wanting to stay. How wonderful that he loves his new teacher and is comfortable in his pre-school shoes now! And what a relief that must be for you to be able to leave and go work without having to worry about him!

    Have a wonderful weekend Christine!

  6. Thank you all! I'm excited for October. Preparations are going well for the tour and collection release. For once, I'm not stressed that I won't be able to make the deadline!

    Jaybird, my little guy has definitely made a lot of progress. He knows Mommy will always come back to get him, and he loves being around other children. Since we have none in our neighborhood, I think he was getting a bit lonely the times we were stuck at home this summer. He's already asking to stay longer at school!

  7. It's nice that you have a little extra time to write now that your son is in school!

  8. First weeks of school are tricky, glad your son is doing well.

  9. thats a great lot of thankfulness!
    id love to help with the cover reveal!
    congrats! & heres to finding a new fave spot =)

  10. It's all coming together for you, which is fantastic. You try new writing spots just like I do... mixes things a up bit that way:)

  11. Our local library is much too small for me to find a writing spot. Glad your son liked school and is happy to go.

  12. Trying new writing spots is great. I mainly write at the library where I work. I got your cover reveal email.

  13. Libraries are inspiring places. Hope you find a great spot.

    I'm sure your son will do well. My daughter has started primary school, at first it was a half day, but as of Monday I'll have the whole day to write for the first time ever. The possibilities are endless!

    Looking forward to the reveal!

  14. The 13th Floor is taking off! Congrats on that and on your son's great start at school. I'll have to stop in and see Nutschell's post on your workspace. That's always fun to see where writers write.

  15. Yay for being productive. I'll check out the links. I'm always interested in people's writing spaces.

  16. Hi Christine - what good news your son is loving school - and of course that'll free your mind of anxiety - and you can get on ...

    Good luck with the revisions and with the extra responsibilities at school - cheers Hilary

  17. Congrats on your series' success, and your son's happiness at school! That's great!

    Love the pic of your writing area! It's tough when tables move and things change, but I can see that writing at the library would be a great way to avoid distractions. Hmm. I may have to find an hour or two there a week, if I can.

  18. Thanks for the shout-out Christine! I'm excited to be a part of your tour and release of the Collection.

    I'm glad your son is settling in well. As a parent the first few days can be as daunting as for the little one, so it's easier to bear if they're enjoying it too.

    And 139,000 words is impressive!


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