
Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Five for August 2, 2013

1. Not a terribly productive week. The boy only took one nap, and we've had some late nights. I started my bonus short story for the 13th Floor collection, but it's still in the beginning scene. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get some time to write today and on the weekend.

2. I received another rejection to add to my pile. I've been feeling frustrated with myself. I consumed way too many Oreos this week. I even tried my first fired Oreo at the county fair. I prefer them not to be battered and soggy.

3. In just over two weeks, the boy will be heading back to preschool. He's excited about it and so am I. Having three mornings to myself a week will help with my productivity and hopefully my stress levels.

4. I wasted a night last night watching G.I.Joe: Retaliation. Why oh why did I watch the whole thing? It was a bad movie and not in a good way. I was big on the comics and TV show when I was young. That's my only excuse.

5. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll leave you with a cute picture of my son playing at the park.


  1. Family and down time is not wasted. You need a rest to focus on writing. Life is important.

    Sorry about the rejection though.


  2. Aw, sorry about the rejection! It's never fun receiving one of those, as I know from personal experience. Good luck with the 13th Floor short story!

  3. Hi Christine .. I started Fearless! Actually read one third on my Kindle - new arenas for me ...

    Little ones adjusting to life - great he's enjoying preschool and what a fun picture ..

    Cheers Hilary

  4. Bummer about the rejection, but don't let it get you down:) You're an awesome multi-published author. I can't wait to read your final short story for The 13th Floor:)

  5. Your son is a sweetheart! Enjoy your weekend, friend. ☺

  6. Don't stress - you'll have free time to write soon!
    Thanks for the warning on the movie.

  7. Thank you all! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. :)

  8. Love the fun pic of your son. Wear him out and you'll get more naps, eh? Rejections hurt a little, but I'm sure you won't let it stop you. All the best for a great weekend to you.

  9. Rejection, in any form, is always a hard thing to swallow. I am also guilty of eating way too many Oreos when things are looking glum. (Although I do love them fried, I can't seem to consume too many that way without my stomach exploding) LOL

    I dread when my girls go back to school. But then I try and focus on something positive about it, like having quiet in the house and being able to think straight. Having a little time to myself is quite nice too :)

  10. Cute kid! I can relate with the rejections. It can be frustrating.

  11. Yeah, I've gotten some rejections lately, too. It happens to the best of us :)

    Enjoy your increased time off! Kids are great, but moms definitely need some quiet time.

  12. Time with family is never wasted.

    Our fairs have the fried Snickers bars and ice cream, but I don't think I've ever seen fried Oreo cookies.

  13. GI Joe Retaliation was awful! I'm with you, a total waste of time. Hang in there, rejection is hard but you're getting closer to you goals. Hope you have a better next week with more naps and lots of inspiration!

  14. I received a rejection this week, too. I sent out another sub.

    Will stay away from GI Joe then. It is nice when they go back to school.

  15. Oreos and cute kids make everything better.

    This week an acquaintance received an SCBWI Award for the same story that was rejected by a respected agent earlier this year. Don't let it get you down. Just keep submitting, just keep submitting, (sung to the tune of Nemo),

  16. You'll get that writing time soon.

    I've been through rejection this year. I feel you.

  17. I'm with Donna. Sometimes, rest and family time is vital, especially when rejections get us down.

    Best of luck with your writing. :-)

  18. Girl, I know what you mean. Summers are rough and kill my productivity. I try to remind myself these childhood years fly by and one day I'll miss long summers with the kids home ...

  19. Try not to let the rejection get you down; it's just a permission slip to send your work where it really belongs.

  20. I have faith in you! It will happen. I can't wait for the BOY to go back to school but that's another month away.

    Sorry about the 'R' but I'm just convinced that they don't know what they are talking about. We all know your stuff is awesome so just keep writing it!


  21. Sorry about the rejection - but at least you're out there giving it a shot! More than can be said for me. ;)

    I've eaten a bit too much chocolate/ice cream/cream this weekend too, so I feel that a bit of a diet is in order.


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