
Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Five for August 16, 2013

1. Big week! I announced a change to the release date of the 13th Floor collection. I'm looking for people to help out with the cover reveal on Friday September 13th. I got an awesome response for hosts for my blog tour in October. Every weekday is filled up now. October is going to be a fantastic month!

2. Don't forget on Monday it's the August W4WS event! This is a great way for writers to help other writers. It's easy to do. As fast and simple as a tweet. This month we're featuring Carrie Butler and C. Lee McKenzie.

3. I have a special guest poster tomorrow. T.F. Walsh is going to be here with her CLOAKED IN FUR blog tour. Stop on by and chat about werewolves with us.

4. Sweet, sizzling, fiery, awkward, mind-blowing. We want to read your kissing scenes. Don't forget to join the MORE THAN JUST A KISS Blogfest! We're offering prizes for the best scenes. It's less than a month away now. Tell your friends! Shout it out to the world!

5. On Wednesday, my son had his preschool orientation. He was ready for me to leave so he could play all morning! His official first day will be Monday. He'll be going three mornings a week this year (M, W, F). His new teacher is very nice and is eager to have my smart little guy in her class. Did I mention he's only 3 1/4 and reading several words? Also, in a surprise move by his school's board (at least a surprise to me), they offered me a position. I'll be taking the open chair this year. It's weirding me out a bit. I never saw myself doing something like this even as a parent. Yet I really do love this preschool, and I'm happy to give my time to them. I agreed to help out some friends too. So on Tuesdays, I'll be picking one child up from her school and watching her for a little while, and on Thursdays, I'll be watching another little guy. They're my son's best girl and boy friends. I'm a bit stunned at how my schedule has filled up for this school year. What happened to the wonderfully quiet hermit life I dreamed of?!

Have a great weekend, folks!


  1. So fantastic that you have your October tour all planned out. Can't wait until tomorrow's post.

  2. Life gets very hectic once kids start school - your son sounds like he's going to have a great time. Enjoy the extra writing time :-)

  3. I would love to help with the cover reveal. What do I need to do to sign up? my email is tbmarkinson at gmail dot com

    Your son will have a blast.

  4. Congratulations on the position! And glad your tour dates are all filled now.

  5. Wow, you're busy, Christine! I'm hoping you might find time for my bloggers' book club. Details are here:

  6. You always got something going on. LOL I'm checking out that blogfest.
    Happy Friday!

  7. I'd be happy to help with the cover reveal, if you're still looking for people.

  8. Hi Christine .. I'm so pleased for you - the kids will benefit too - and so great your son is obviously ready to move out and learn ..

    Fantastic news - enjoy the weekend .. and it's always good to be busy! Cheers Hilary

  9. Congratulations on your position, I'm sure you will be great and the kids will love you. So cute that your son was all ready to go when you got to the orientation. :)

  10. I can help with a cover release. Email me at kitsy84557 AT gmail DOT com.

  11. I've said yes to helping out on your October push. It will be fun!

    Here's to those wonderful school days for your son and you. What an exciting time for both of you.

  12. Thank you, everyone! This October is going to be an awesome month. I'm blown away by your support. Have a marvelous weekend!

  13. Looking forward to seeing your cover! I'll be on a break then, but I'll watch for it.

    Congrats on all the amazing things going on in your real life :)

    Happy Weekend!

  14. Congrats on the school board, that is really an honor :) Sounds like you will be very busy. I would be happy to post your cover revel, just let me know.

  15. Congrats on filling up October and the new school board position.

    Hopefully, you'll have a chance to make a difference :)

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Congratulations on filling up your October tour dates. I bet you're really excited!

    And life with little ones is never a hermit's life, is it?


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