
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for July 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month I'm releasing the final book in my 13th Floor series, THE GHOST. I loved writing this series. It was so much fun. I've gotten a great reaction from readers. You guys make it all worthwhile.

I want this last book to be a magnificent ending to the series, and I'm afraid that it won't be. The protagonist of this book Chiharo Black is sweet. She's not fearless like my dragonslayer or fierce like my werewolf. Chiharo is cute, bright, and says "oh my god" way too much. Her story is good, but is it big enough to end the series? Will it leave an impact like the previous books?

I know we're our own worst critics. I also know that I'll never know until I release the book. The official release day is in ten days. I'm trying not to hyperventilate. My series will be complete. I'm elated and terrified at the same time.


  1. what??? i thought i had them all!! you are such a tease girl!!!

  2. I'm sure it's a natural feeling but I'm also sure it will be great. Go for it!

  3. Oh that has to be stressful, but congrats on completing the series. Wishing you the best of luck!

  4. I just bought the first in the series. I know I'm a little behind but I hope to catch up soon.

  5. You've achieved so much with this series! You took stereotypes and flipped them on their heads - which is pretty special! I have no doubt your final book will be everything you want it to be!

  6. Congratulations on getting to the end, and the final book doesn't have to be bigger than the rest of the series. It just has to feel like a natural place to end.

  7. I'm sure you have nothing to fear. But wine and chocolate might help in the run up :-)

  8. Aw, you and Alex share the same fears this month! And I don't think either of you has a thing to worry about.

    Your characters are always well developed and rich Christine! She may not be like the others, but being a little different is a good thing if you ask me. :)

  9. Ditto what Annalisa said—and congrats!

  10. Thank you all. I've heard back from one of my CPs and beta readers, and they love it. So it helps calm me a bit.

  11. I think the Ghost is magnificent, and a brilliant end to the series. I'm sure once readers get their hands on it, they will too. :D

  12. I think it must be natural for a writer to worry about their latest book being as good as the previous ones, especially in a series. You have established your fan base and I bet you are not going to let them down. Good luck with your launch!

  13. Pfft! You have nothing to worry about. The Ghost is awesome! A fitting end to the entire series!

  14. Wow! Congrats on the final book in your series. I'm working on book two in my mystery series and it's a struggle. I know it will come but for now...sigh.

  15. You are such a terrific writer I'm sure that it will be fine. I also imagine that it would be a natural feeling to worry - if you didn't worry I might be worried ;))

    I'm counting down the days until I can read it.

  16. We have the same fear this month! Hopefully the final books in our series both rock.

  17. I can certainly see how this is a scary time. Still, what an amazing stage in your writing journey. I'm sure the book will be well received. Even if you do encounter any discouraging responses, just remember how far you've come and what the story means to you :)

  18. I can't wait to read Ghost! I have no doubt it will be a great entry, although I have to admit I'm sorry to see this series end. :)

  19. I think it's a terrific way to round out the series and your protagonists. No worries whatsoever! Your readers love you and adore your characters. Congrats on such a HUGE accomplishment!

    I'm one of Alex's minion's this month. Great to see you again. It's been a while since I've been around the blogging block.

  20. I think its great that you have more than one type of personality in you series. It will make it relatable to a wider audience, I think. Congrats on making it to the end of your series!

  21. You are done!? Take a deep breath and celebrate :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  22. You are an inspiration with your writing and publishing. Congratulations. I can't imagine nurturing a baby then sending it out in the world for others to examine, but I bet you'll do amazingly!

  23. Oh my gosh! I'd be hyperventilating too! Really cool though, Christine! And proud of you!!!

  24. You're right...we are our own worst critics, so don't be so hard on yourself.

    It'll be great because you're a great writer :)

    Let your readers be the judge and have a great holiday!

  25. It's always a little stressful to have that last book come out but I'm sure you'll dive right into a new series.

  26. Critique partners are great,.especially when it comes to endings. Im sure you will do fine. Youre an awesome writer!

  27. I'm sad it's the last book, but I'm so happy that you wrote it! I look forward to what you will come up with next. :)

  28. It's going to be great.

    I know it.

    I can feel it.

    It's going to be great.



  29. You don't need to worry... The Ghost is a fantastic last book to the series... you'll see when everyone else gets to read it;)

  30. It's natural to be nervous Christine, but I'm sure you'll be fine...a pro. I'll have to get with the program and begin at the beginning of the series.


  31. Time to celebrate. No worrying! It will be brilliant.


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