
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Liebster Award

The lovely and most generous Tara Tyler has passed on this award to me. Thank you so much!
I'm counting the days until her new book POP TRAVEL comes out.

I must answer 11 questions. Here we go!

1. What's your nickname? (make one up if you don't have one) C. Yes, I know, so boring. It's simple to write C online. Many of my online friends just call me C, even when I've chatted to them on the phone.

2. What genre do you read most? Paranormal romance. That wasn't a surprise, was it?!
3. What celebrity would you love to meet? Joss Whedon.
4. What is your favorite age? Does this mean for me or in general? For me, I'm happy with my age right now. I get happier the older I get. I'd never want to be a teen or young adult again.
5. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter. Only because I'm much more efficient with Twitter. FB can be distracting.
6. What awesome thing will you do when your book is published? Arrange a book tour for as far as my budget will allow. I love to travel.
7. What book would you like to see turned into a movie? The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.
8. Where were you born? In a hospital in southern Ontario.
9. Name a place you'd like to visit some day. England.
10. Are you a Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring? Fall.
11. Any regrets? Yes. I try not to hang on to regrets, but sometimes I get in a self pitying mood.
Now 11 questions from me:
1. What is the last dream you remember?
2. What shares a bed with you at night? (other than a person!)
3. Kindle, Nook, or print?
4. Pen or pencil?
5. What planet or moon in our solar system would you live on if you could?
6. What are you wearing on your feet right now?
7. What's your favorite thing to do while procrastinating about writing?
8. Do you use coupons when shopping?
9. The world ends with an asteroid strike, alien invasion, or zombie apocalypse?
10. What title would you give to a story written about all the things in the last question?
11. Socks with sandals: yuck or cool?

I know the rules for the award state I must name some worthy bloggers and pass it on, but I'm short on time these days. Anyone who comments is deserving of this award. Please take it if you wish and display it, because you are awesome!


  1. Congratulations on the award! I'd love to see you on your book tour (if I could!) Shall I call you C. from now on? I had to laugh because I've been getting the nick-name T. a lot. And Fall is my favorite season too - and it's coming up ;)

  2. Congrats on the award, fantastic answers. :) When you get a huge publishing deal and tour England, make sure to come see me! :D

  3. Congrats on your award! Great answers; I'd like to visit England someday, too. Also, your second question there is awesome—very intriguing!

    Have a great Thursday. :)

  4. Congratulations!
    I'd never want to be a teenager again. Too much drama and angst.

  5. Congrats! Always fun to read these answers and learn more about my blogging friends. Josh Whedon is a great choice!

  6. Congrats on the blog love! Also just to let you know, I mentioned you on my post. (;

    Hope you don't mind me posting my answers to your Qs. These were fun. :D

    1. What is the last dream you remember? I have really weird dreams. A few nights ago I dreamt I was waist-high in a river collecting sheets of paper that floated by. It turned out to be some Russian girl's homework who lived in an orphanage just up river. Weird, hun?

    2. What shares a bed with you at night? It used to be my cat, but he passed away a little over a year ago. ):

    3. Kindle, Nook, or print? Print. I don't own an ereader, yet.
    4. Pen or pencil?
    What ever works.

    5. What planet or moon in our solar system would you live on if you could? Tough question...maybe one of Saturn's moons...

    6. What are you wearing on your feet right now? Black and pink flip flops.

    7. What's your favorite thing to do while procrastinating about writing?'s where I get my material, lol!

    8. Do you use coupons when shopping? sometimes.

    9. The world ends with an asteroid strike, alien invasion, or zombie apocalypse? asteroid strike

    10. What title would you give to a story written about all the things in the last question? The Day the World Died Three Times.

    11. Socks with sandals: yuck or cool? YUCK! :P

  7. You might consider C a boring nickname, but not everyone even has a nickname, so you're one step ahead of them! ;)

    Also, Joss Whedon is the coolest. I'd love to meet him, too!

  8. Awards are like little virtual hugs. Congratulations! (I'd love to visit England someday too.)

  9. I bet you and Whedon would have a lot to talk about :)

    Great answers and congrats on the well deserved award!

  10. Thanks, folks! These awards are fun. I love learning about all the great writers in our community.

  11. Joss Whedon!!@ Loved him from Episode One of Buffy.

    You had some really interesting questions there C!! If I had more time I would answer them all here like Elise. (PS- sorry to hear about your cat Elise)

  12. I like fall, too. I'm just not a heat person.

    Joss is a cool dude. I loved that speech he gave on equality. It inspired me to revise my ms's.


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