
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm having Tuesday Tea with Mistress Snark

I'm being brave today.
I've accepted an invitation to have tea with Mistress Snark. *gulps*

I'm going in prepared. I've written a list of tips to help me survive. Hm, I can't bring in a piece of paper. That's too obvious. I can't be rude to the kind hostess. But perhaps if I write it on my palm. Yes, that will work!

Please join me over at Laura Eno's blog.
Mistress Snark is expecting you.


  1. Hi Christine .. now that was/is intelligent thinking .. I hope Jezebel can't read .. and Mistress Snark is too tied up in her own world .. otherwise you might be in trouble!

    I'll be over .. cheers Hilary

  2. Oh, I'm curious... going to check it out now:)

  3. Happy Tuesday! Heading over there now.

  4. Oh, good luck! On the way over. (:

  5. Thanks to everyone for coming over to join us for tea. It was so much fun. And I have been returned to my normal self. Jezebel, well, I won't frighten you with the details how she did so!

  6. Just checked it out--so random and fun! :P

  7. Visits with Mistress Snark are always an...ummm...experience. Yes. That is the best way to describe it lol!!!

  8. Hehe. Your interview made me chuckle. I do hope you've stopped sweating!


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