
Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Five for June 14, 2013

1. My WIP is coming along. Not quite as fast as I need it to, but it's been a busy week. Maybe I can convince my husband to take our boy out for a few hours so I can write. If I get five good days in a row, I can finish it. I'm a fast writer if I have the time and inspiration.

2. I've been catching up on some reading on my Kindle this week too. It's nice the boy is loving his new bigger pool and is happy to splash around while I sit in the shade reading. I've a lot of indie books on the Kindle. Only a few of them have more than a couple of reviews. I make sure to review books after I read them now, but I wonder how to get people motivated to write more reviews. (Oh! I shall write a post about that!)

3. I had a wonderful visit with my family last week in Canada. It was a little rough not sleeping in my own bed and sharing a room with a toddler that talks very loudly in his sleep. We stopped at a hotel with a water park on our way back home thinking the boy would love it, but nope. My husband enjoyed it far more than any of us! My son loves the water. The spouts, slides, and splashing. These hotel water parks are geared more to older kids, though. He doesn't like to get water in his face nor did he like all the noise. If anyone wants to start a business, here's an idea for you: build a hotel for families with toddlers with toddler-friendly attractions. There are only a few places made for the little kids. Sometimes it's difficult to find things to do for a special trip.

4. I took my son to a local event called Touch A Truck on Wednesday. It gives kids a chance to explore all different sorts of trucks like fire engines, ambulances, tow trucks, etc. I like the idea, but there were long lines in near record-breaking heat. We didn't stay too long. My boy's favorite thing was the helicopter. My favorite thing he said was when he walked into the local library's Bookmobile: "This looks like our house!" Yes, we do have a lot of books!

5. Don't forget that Monday is the June W4WS event! Help your fellow writers with just a tweet. It's fast and easy.

Have a great weekend!


  1. It's a shame the Touch a Truck event was so busy, or didn't have enough trucks for the number of people.

    I hope you get the time to write :-)

  2. Hi Christine .. so pleased you had a happy time .. despite the mini blips - I'd love to go to a Dumper park and play .. but suspect I'd hate the crowds!

    Isn't that great that your son loves the water, I'm sure he'll comes to terms with splashed faces .. but while at home at least he's happy and you're happy reading away ..

    Good for you with all you've got on .. cheers Hilary

  3. Good luck finally getting some quiet time to work on your WIP! Also, glad to hear the family visit went well! I don't like getting splashed in the face, either, so I can relate to your son in that regard, heh.

  4. Glad to hear you had a nice visit! Good luck with your WIP. :)

  5. Hope you get a few hours to finish. Glad your son enjoys water so much.

  6. Hope you get to finish this week - I did!

  7. I'm laughing at the bookmobile comment. That's so funny!

    Glad you had a great visit with your family. Happy writing!

  8. His book fairy is going to make sure his house always looks like a Bookmobile. :D

  9. Hmm, bookmobiles. I'm surrounded by that, I suppose. :)

    Best on getting the WIP done. Busy stuff kept my writing low this week, too, plus I need some inspiration to get the current scene right... maybe while I'm out running errands or selling books.

  10. Hopefully you'll get those hours you need so much to finish your book. Thanks for the idea of a new business. I'll keep it in mind if writing doesn't do it for me. :D I'm about to finish a book I promised to review. I'm glad for that as I have many pending books to read. I leave you dragon hugs!!

  11. I love the Touch a Truck idea! It would be a great thing for spring or fall. And maybe for two days instead of one.

  12. Thank you for stopping in, guys! Have a fantastic weekend. :) Hopefully I'll be writing a lot.

  13. The bookmobile comment is the best.

  14. Enjoy those moments of peace. It's so difficult to find time when the kids are little.

  15. No shame in having a lot of books ;)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  16. Hope you have some serious writing time this week and can finish your WiP. I'm right there with you. No idea how it's going to end, but it's going to this week. And regarding reviews, I don't know why more readers don't write them.

  17. Sounds like you're having some great quality time with your son.

    Hope you get some writing time to finish that book, though. :-)

  18. You're very busy, but keeping everything moving along... which is great of course:) Such a shame about the Touch A Truck.


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