
Monday, May 6, 2013

A to Z Challenge Reflection Post

I survived the 2013 A to Z Challenge!
Congratulations to all the other survivors.
A big thank you to everyone who stopped by during April with your words of support and encouragement.

A special thank you to the A to Z team. You guys are awesome!
The Madlab Post - Nicole Ayers
Tossing It Out - Arlee Bird
Amlokiblogs - Damyanti Biswas
Alex J. Cavanaugh - Alex J. Cavanaugh
Life is Good - Tina Downey
Cruising Altitude 2.0 - DL Hammons
Retro-Zombie - Jeremy Hawkins
The Warrior Muse - Shannon Lawrence
The QQQE - Matthew MacNish
Leave it to Livia - Livia Peterson
No Thought 2 Small - Konstanz Silverbow
Breakthrough Blogs - Stephen Tremp
Spunk on a Stick - L. Diane Wolfe

This is the 2013 A to Z Challenge Reflection post. It's another way to visit more participants and see what everyone thought of the Challenge. Sign up on the linky list and let everyone know what your experiences were last month.

One of my favorite blogs to visit is Heather M. Gardner's. Her theme was Stormy the Weather Gnome's bucket list. It was hilarious! She also recently signed a contract to have her book, MAGUIRE'S CORNER published! Congratulations, Heather. On the final day of the Challenge, Heather bestowed upon me the Zombie Rabbit Award. I get to pass on this magnificent award to my ten favorite blogs from the Challenge. Thank you, Heather, and thank you to the ten bloggers who entertained me during April with your awesome posts.

1) Nick Wilford - wrote an amazing story about an angel with words supplied each day by his readers.
2) M. Pepper Langlinais - had intriguing snippets of her characters Peter and Charles (from her book St. Peter in Chains) traveling the world and looking for a place to settle down.
3) Elise Fallson - an A to Z of "ology" words. People study and collect the strangest things.
4) Lily - follows Spawn's descent into madness with his plans for world domination. Hilarious!
5) Sandy - excellent traveling tips and sharing her adventures.
6) Julie Flanders - her theme was Alaska inspired by her book Polar. I've always wanted to go there!
7) Mark Means - a whole month of obscure comic book characters. Even my geekery was put to the test!
8) Al Diaz - a tour of his magnificent dragon's cave and dwarf cheerleaders.
9) Shannon Lawrence - an A to Z of history's mysteries. Absolutely fascinating. Just up my alley.
10) Mina Lobo - an enthralling A to Z of aphrodisiacs. I learned so much. Made notes!


  1. Yay you for surviving the A-to-Z challenge! I loved checking the snippets on your blog during it. So fun! Also, congrats on the Zombie Rabbit Award! Can't help but love the name of that...

  2. Hi Christine - love the Zombie Rabbit Award badge .. and a great selection of A-Z bloggers with their topics .. one or two I haven't come across.

    Now to read some of your work .. and others' books, get round to other A-Zers and generally back into blogging life .. Cheers Hilary

  3. There were some truly amazing posts during this challenge. I had heaps of fun.

  4. I also loved Heather's theme. :-D

  5. Congrats on the award! And thanks for the links! I'm off to check out those that I missed during the challenge!

  6. Those were some great themes. Glad you enjoyed the Challenge and thanks for sharing another story with us.

  7. They had some awesome themes! I tried to visit new people everyday. I'm not doing a reflection post- but I'll enjoy reading the others.

  8. I LOVE YOU!

    YOU ROCK!!!

    Thank you so much!

    I loved your theme and couldn't wait to read what happened next. I enjoy your writing very much. I'm looking forward to reading all about the witch and the vampire.

    I'm excited and terrified about being published this month. I've learned a lot from watching all you guys go before me.

    Thank you again, Christine.

  9. I read so many great blogs this year! I have to agree with you about Heather's Stormy posts. They always made my mornings!

    Thanks for sharing your story snippets. They were great!

  10. thats the best award, isnt it!
    and your story was awesome again this yr!

  11. Although I didn't participate, I enjoyed visiting the many bloggers who did. Your stories were fun!

  12. Aw, thanks Christine! I enjoyed your posts too!

  13. Hi, visiting from the reflections list :) Love the Zombie Rabbit Award!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  14. So many great blog themes this year! I think people are getting better every time they put themselves through this!

  15. Thanks very much for the award! I really enjoyed following your story. Congrats! I also followed several of the other recipients throughout April which were great. I haven't had time to do a Reflection post yet but will get to it by Friday!

  16. Yay for surviving!

    And you have another wonderful story to show for it.

  17. Congratulations on completing the challenge, also your very good detailed Reflections post.


  18. And you should add the wonderful ongoing adventure you had here.

  19. Christine, merci very much for the props. You're Le Awesome. :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  20. Thank you, everyone! It was a great year. I'm still trying to catch up on things, but I'm busy getting ready for my newest release and tour next week too.

  21. Aw, thank you for the award and congratulations for it. I loved your story. The posts I missed for some reason, I read them the next day. You captivated me with Danielle and Fenn. It was a pleasure to read you. Thanks for a great story!

  22. Thank you so much for passing along the blog love! You are awesome and I'm so glad I got to follow along and read your snippets, they were great! :)

  23. Thank you so much for including me in this, Christine! I really appreciate it. And I totally loved your theme and story just as much as last year's Fearless. :)

  24. What a fantastic award! Just crawling out of my sick bed to say a mighty congratulations! Your A-Z posts were definitely one of the biggest highlights of the challenge.

    And thank you SO much! I'm more than honoured to be nominated. You've brought a smile to an otherwise wretched few days. Thanks! :)

  25. Gah! I thought I replied here and thanked you for this...sorry about that.

    Anyway, thank you very much, I appreciate it and will be featuring it on tomorrow's (Wednesday) post :D

  26. Thank you so much, Christine! Congratulations on not only making it through, but creating a great story while you did so.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse


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