
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 - O is for Opened

I'm posting snippets from a story for this year's Challenge.
If you'd like to read the whole tale, please start with A.


Erik opened the front door and smiled at Danielle as she stepped into the foyer. He shut the door with a quiet click, motioning her to follow him. No hug or kiss. Not even a "good evening."

They entered the kitchen at the rear of the house. A single light was on its lowest setting and a small television whispered the news. The black cupboards and gray marble counter tops made it appear as if the room were made of shadows.

"Sorry about that. I didn't want Libby to know I have anyone over." Erik opened the fridge and took out two bottles of beer. He twisted off the caps and offered one to Danielle.

"I understand." And she did. There was no point in Libby knowing about them when Danielle didn't even know if there was a "them." Yet part of her was still hurt by him sneaking around with her, even in his own house.

She took the beer with a thank you and downed half of it in a few gulps. "Couldn't find a babysitter?"

"I didn't bother calling one. I didn't want to leave Libby at home." Erik sipped his drink and motioned to the TV. "Have you seen the news lately? Nowhere's safe anymore. An armed robbery of a baby store. How horrible must someone be to do that?"


  1. Aw, a baby store?! That's definitely a brand new low for criminals!

  2. Hmm, I wonder how that ties in! What an awful thing to do.

  3. Getting a bad feeling about Erik. :(

    I think this may be my favorite pic you've posted for the Challenge. Adorable! :)

  4. I'm getting a really bad feeling about Erik. I'm not sure I would trust the guy now. :(

    However, it's a really well written snippet. Way to Go!

  5. Sounds like more monsters are out and about....better call Fenn! :)

  6. No ordinary robbers I bet. Love the pictures that go along with each snippet. :)

  7. Great snippet.
    Stealing from a baby store? That's terrible.

  8. An armed robbery of a baby store? Man, that's pretty awful!

  9. Seems that while he's opening doors and beer, he's in danger of closing a few things between Danielle and himself.

  10. Thank you all! It's horrible the things that happen. I can sympathize with Erik feeling a bit freaked out.

  11. Love the expression on your son's face :)

  12. a very timely post - glad you are surviving the challenge

  13. Very intriguing scene. So many possibilities come from that small piece. Writer’s Mark

  14. Armed robbery of a baby store... Seriously I can imagine that happening!

  15. I don't think I would blame him.


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