
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for March 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

Am I doing enough? Is what I'm doing right? When does the feeling of grasping at empty air stop?

I've been writing for a long time. Am I perfect? No way. But I'm okay with that most of the time. I work to improve myself with everything I write. I've done my research about how to market my work and myself. I make lists, tweet, tour, blog, network, have giveaways, and support other writers. Everything the experts tell us.

Frustrating as it is, I know a lot of being successful in this business has to do with luck. Does hard work matter then? Yes. And good writing? Of course. Does it improve your luck? Maybe. Yet two writers can do the exact same things, and only one will find success.

Sometimes it's hard to move past those times when you're feeling useless and the dark shadow of failure is looming over you from behind. My arms get tired from flailing and my heart heavy. I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I've always found strength from somewhere and I carry on. I learn and grow. Yet those questions still taunt me.

Do you wonder the same things? What do you do when you feel so disheartened that you think you might not be able to carry on?


  1. I think you are right, Christine 'making it' is a combination of hard work and talent but with a good dose of luck thrown in! Sometimes this is hard to take but I can't imagine not writing.

  2. Unfortunately, I think you're right. There's a lot of luck involved whether we admit it or not. I guess that's what makes out the true writers; they'll keep going no matter what. Aren't we a silly bunch? ;)

  3. I do get this feeling sometimes. I wonder why I keep trying, keep pushing myself out there. Then I worry there is more I should be doing. Its not easy to be an author with all the pressure to be inde do everything yourself. I have not answers, just a roller coaster ride of faith, grit and dispair; rinse and repeat.


  4. I think luck comes everybody's way eventually, but you have to be ready to take advantage of it.

    Moody Writing

  5. You are right in that there is luck involved, as you say, one may make it the other not. I think by carrying on you just increase your chances of the luck being you this next time around...

  6. When you feel down, it helps to remember the reasons why you love writing, and what writing does for you when you're in the flow of your storytelling.

  7. Writing is tough for everyone, and sometimes there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel - especially when everyone around you seems to be having success. But be proud of all the wonderful thing you've achieved, and remember why you love writing in the first place.

  8. I do not believe there is a single writer that does not feel this at one time or another. I try to keep focused on the little things and the smaller picture, it is less overwhelming.

  9. I think that the moments we're not ok with our work are the moments that help us improve writing. it's natural to have self doubts and question ourselves ant that's when we get better, when we force ourselves to be better.

  10. Whenever I feel like that, I think I'll do one more thing just out of spite. I am kind of stubborn and I can't say no to challenge. If someone tells me I can't do something, I find the need to prove them wrong. I do that with myself too. A voice inside me mocks my depressive thoughts and then dares me to do something about it. It usually rubs in face all the encouraging words I said to others and asks me "Was all that just bullshit? Empty talk? Some preacher you are!"

    That would be enough to have me spring on my feet again, as I said, if only to prove this voice wrong.

  11. I try to ensure that the writing process is enjoyable for precisely this reason. I have no guarrantees about the end result or its sales, but if I've already got enjoyment from the writing, that's something.

  12. Well, what would happen if you stopped promoting? Maybe you could experiment and give yourself some time off.

  13. I surround myself with my family and friends and try to forget about my troubles for a while. I try and focus on all the positive things in my life and usually, I will try and go be a blessing to someone else. Believe it or not, that probably helps me more than it helps them :)

  14. Yeah...I feel it. I have to remind myself that even if I'm stripped of everything else, I'll still write. =)

  15. I blog, attend a monthly schmooze, and am in two critique groups. I need to have a *village* around me to get this done.

  16. I, sometimes, feel that darkness too...then the light of this great community shines through, helping to banish those thoughts...for a while. :)

    Doubt, I think, will always be with us...we just have to keep going and do the best we can. It's a constant learning process....

  17. I wonder about this all the time. Like right now. And then I pray. And then find books, music, friends, family to keep me going. :)

    Hang in there!

  18. You know, it's funny. When I get down about it, depressed over a slew of rejections (they always seem to come in clumps), I usually stop writing for a few days. But before long, I have to go write again. I can't not write. I'm more miserable not writing than writing and failing. If that makes sense?

    So then I remind myself that, much as I want my stories to find readers, I mostly do it for myself. For my sanity. Anything else is bonus.

  19. Today's IWSG posts seem to be split into two definite groups. People who have been in a slump, and people who are celebrating the awesomeness of bloggers lol!

    But I hear you. All you can really do is keep working and writing brilliant books. You have done so well so far, and things will only continue to get better!

  20. You have several books and a successful series rolling out! Not many people can say that.
    Sometimes we have to keep it in perspective and look at how far we've really come.
    And you have come a long way, Christine!

  21. You're right about luck being a big part of writing. that's why the writers who are determined and passionate about what they do succeed.:)luck is always on their side.

  22. I've had some bad weeks where I was really frustrated but it was usually the online community who inpsired me to keep trying.

  23. Thank you, everyone. Our writing community is fantastic! I find such inspiration with you guys.

  24. Right there with you! We question ourselves and compare to other writers when we shouldn't. We need to be strong and with the whole writing community behind us, we can do it! Also, your books is awesome! Don't worry. :)

  25. It's hard to find encouragement when you're down... but hopefully a love of writing always keeps you coming back :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  26. I understand exactly what you mean... I get like that sometimes too. Just got to keep reminding ourselves we're writing because we love it no matter what.

  27. Whenever I'm feeling low about poor sales figures or the progress of my WIP, or I convince myself that the while book is junk... I always come across a post like this, which reminds me that this is perfectly normal behavior for authors. We might be neurotic, but so is everyone else. We're normal! Doesn't that make you feel better? Oddly, it does me. We're all lucky enough to do what we enjoy, and that's fantastic! Thank you for this post! Thank you for making me feel normal again :)

  28. This is a great post! I just keep cranking out the books, hoping one of them will catch one day. That's all I can do.


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