
Friday, March 1, 2013

Back From the Future Blogfest and The Bloghop of Joy

Two great blogfests happening today. The first is hosted by the fabulous Mary Pax, Nicki Elson, and Suze from Subliminal Coffeet. The instructions are simple:

You're up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. You haven't brewed your coffee so you wonder if you imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, you go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As you cast your eyes to the ground, you see a parcel addressed to you ... from you. 

You scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, you pry it open. Inside is a shoebox -- sent from ten years in the future -- and it's filled with items you have sent yourself. 

What's in it? 

I'd like to say I sent myself a newspaper so I know which stocks to buy, but I'd probably be more sentimental and just send one thing.

It would be a photo of my son so I could see what a fine boy he's grown to be. It would give me some hope I'm doing something right as a parent. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but the most rewarding. I know I'm one of the most important influences in his entire life, and I hope I will be one of the best too.

I wouldn't want to see anything else from the future. I want it to be a surprise.

Visit the other participants and find out what they sent themselves!

The second great bloghop is such a fun idea. The wonderful Kyra Lennon and Clare Dugmore would like to know your "List of Joy." These are small, sometimes unusual things that always cheer you up. Not life-changing moments, but little things that make you smile. Love it!

My List of Joy:
1) Walking down an aisle in the library just to touch and smell the books.
2) Jumping around corners and scaring people. I don't do it so often any more, but I love seeing people's expressions!
3) Interpreting the conversations between the birds and squirrels outside. They say the funniest things!
4) When my son dances. You can't help but smile when you see little kids dance.
5) Watching how different people use their tongues while eating ice cream cones. Do it one day. You'll see what I mean!

Go find some more smiles and laughter as you read the lists of other participants!


  1. I agree...too much info from the future could really mess things up. Best to keep it simple ;)

  2. Love what you chose to have your future self send you! Your reasoning behind it is so sweet and touching. :)

    Love your list of joy, too! Of the things you listed, the library aisle one is definitely something I also find myself doing... *hee*

  3. I love it when my boys dance too! They're so silly and their laughter is infectious. Being a parent is hard, but rewarding. I can only hope I'm doing an okay job as a mother.

    I also enjoy jumping around corners and scaring people. It's fun!

  4. I wouldn't send myself anything - it might change things and spoil the adventure :-)

  5. Nice answer, and I do agree - I like not knowing what's going to happen.

  6. Nothing wrong with being sentimental :) I'd love to see my kids and grandkids 10 years in the future too. Hope is a valuable commodity.

    You happy list is so sweet.

    Have a good weekend Christine.


  7. A lovely idea to send a picture of your son back. I'd like to see what my daughter will look like, she's a proper mini-me right now so it'll be interesting to see how long that lasts.

  8. Sentimental, but beautiful! children are the future.

    Loved your list of joy! it's important to keep some sense of childhood as adult! You can see me after corners too!

  9. Dropping in from the Blog Hop of Joy. I miss walking into a proper library and having a bunch of old books around me.

  10. You're like me. I don't really want to know the future. All the fun's in finding out.

    And I have watched people eat icecream. It can be pretty hilarious. :-D

  11. Love your lists, Christine! I love it when the kiddos dance around without a care in the world.

  12. Ha ha ha, oh my gosh, love this list. So original.

    And I can only imagine what the hell I look like eating ice cream. It's probably hilarious. If not a bit scary, I'm serious about my ice cream! LOL

  13. Love this list- little kids are the best! New Follower!! Follow me back:

  14. These are great lists! I love watching my kids dance. They're not self-conscious at all. It's a wonderful thing to see. :)

  15. I love #1 on your list of joy, and have done it myself on occasion.

  16. Totally spaced books on my list! But I really enjoy rummaging through them and smelling them. LOL

    Have a terrific Friday!

  17. i loved your list---you must be related to our family somehow---we all love to scare people--my mom would scare everyone---and my brother was known to hide on top of the freezer to surprise dad when he got home from work :)

  18. I love your one item, and your list of joy is sweet! I used to love to scare people too, but haven't done it in a long time. And watching people eat ice cream is funny.

  19. He'll grow up to be an awesome person, Christine.

    I love your list of things that make you happy. I will look at the ice cream eating thing next time we go out for some.

  20. I'm sure you are the best mother ever.
    Scaring people at the library - now that could be fun.

  21. *snorts* This is the funniest list so far! I love that you have spent time jumping out on people to scare them LOL!

    Thanks for spreading the joy!

  22. You know your child's gonna turn out to be a wonderful adult :) Love that you want to have the future as a surprise:)

  23. A photo of your son would be lovely! Very sentimental. I'd like to have another day with my daughter as a baby. I miss that baby!

    And little kids are so precious when they dance :)

  24. I'm kind of with you...I wouldn't want to know too much about the future. Just enough to let me know it'll all work out. ;)

  25. Aww, your future box is very touching. And now you have me curious about the tongues and ice cream cones LOL. I'm going to have to start paying attention to that.
    Fun list!

  26. Completely agree with the smell of a library. I used to work in one, and I still miss it. Not sure I want to watch people eating ice-cream though :-)

  27. OK, Now I am subconscious about eating an ice cream cone. Now I will be wondering if someone is watching me. LOL! I totally agree with the dancing little ones. A riot for sure!

  28. Aww, thank you, everyone. I'm surprised so many people are like me and don't want to know the future.

  29. Jumping out on people, oh that is way funny! Great list.

  30. If your son's well being is the only thing you want to be assured of in the future, I can't imagine you're doing anything but being a wonderful parent.

    Thanks for fitting in both hops. Your joy list made me smile too--- double joy!

  31. Awesome list! I agree with all of them! Except I'm usually the one being scared, not the one jumping out at people :) And I've been told I still dance like a little kid...

  32. What a wonderful thing to put in your box. Putting concern about your son's future welfare ahead of everything else tells me that your son has a very caring mother, and my crystal ball says his future looks very bright.

  33. I think we'd all sleep a little easier if we knew our children were safe...if only for the next ten years! :)

  34. Wishing you a happy ten twenty thirty (you get the idea) years with your boy and any other progeny that may appear- your priorities are very lovely :-)

  35. Thanks, folks! Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  36. Oh, scaring people from behind corners sounds like it could be fun . . . if a little evil. LOL. And I know I'm going to closely watch people eat ice cream now.

  37. A picture of the man your boy grew into. I think that's the best answer. Also, not wanting to know what else happens to enjoy the future. :)

  38. A picture of your son is a great idea! I like your list of joy. : )

  39. You're my opposite in not wanting messages from the future. I love to have advance knowledge in order to plan. Yeah, I'm a planner type. All parents wonder about their children, so I'm with you there.

    Dropping by via the Back to the future blogfest. Nice to meet you.

  40. sweet, sentimental & loves surprises, thhat's what christine is made of... plus a touch of strange (tongue watching?)

  41. The picture of your adult son really got to me. Fine post, Roland

  42. I need to check out #5.

    What a great thing to send. So sweet.

  43. I'll be sure to be more observant when the ice cream cones come out!! I still like jumping round corners - usually involves my two little boys and some ear shattering screams!!

  44. Thanks for taking part in the hop, Christine, great list.
    Now I wanna try jumping around corners scaring people, it sounds fun. It's so amusing watching kids dance - they're so silly and unabashed. :D

  45. Nicely said, Christine.

    A photo of your son grown and happy would be awesome from the future. I admire your sentiment and wanting your life to be a surprise.


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