
Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Red" now up on 365 Tomorrows

My science-fiction flash piece, "Red" is now up on 365 Tomorrows.

I now have 20 short stories published. Wow. I can still remember trying to get one published somewhere. I would've been happy if someone accepted it anywhere! My first accepted and paid submission was a silly sci-fi drabble (a piece of exactly 100 words). I still have that dollar sitting in a frame beside my desk.

I tried getting published in my late teens, but the first rejection destroyed me. I didn't try again for about 15 years. Maybe age toughened me up, but I kept pushing on past the rejections. I kept submitting. Now I have 20 short stories published.

I still get rejected. Some hurt more than others, but I keep pushing forward. Perseverance does pay off.

Never give up on your dreams!


  1. Congratulations. You're a great example of keeping going.

  2. Such an inspiring post! Congratulations again!

  3. Congratulations! Beautifully written and paced for flash fiction.

  4. Wow. This post, for all its brevity, was really inspirational.

    Thank you.

  5. 20; that's wonderful. And I liked Red. A truly evolutionary piece.


  6. So true... never give up:) I really like this story btw.

  7. 20?! Wow! So impressive! I also love seeing how you persevered so much. I agree: it's never good to give up on a dream!

  8. P.S. Just read your story, and wow, chilling!

  9. Congrats on all your short story acceptances!

  10. Congratulations on the publication. I've just read it, very thought-provoking, I really liked it.
    You're an inspiration to others like me who are just beginning on their writing journeys. Thank you.


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