
Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Five for Feburary 8, 2013

1. What a week! I learned how to format ebooks. It was intimidating at first, but it's really not that horrible. Tedious, yes, but just like uploading your book to purchase sites, once you get a hang of it, it feels a lot easier. Thank you so much for your help, Cherie! (She's brilliant, you know!)

2. I loaded my newly formatted files of The Dragonslayer to the purchase sites. Everything looked beautiful. What a relief! Smashwords and Amazon already have theirs up. It feels good to have those done. I also have everything ready for the big blog tour next week from the 13th - 17th. Lots of fun posts and a big giveaway! Then The Harbinger cover reveal on the 18th.

3. I'm 25% done with the next book in the 13th Floor series. It's very different than the other books. The action is more verbal than physical. I hope to be halfway done by the end of the weekend and then finish the rest next week. Yes, I'm a fast writer, and I'm aiming for 20,000 words, give or take a few thousand.

4. My little guy is sick this week. Poor fellow. He made it through school yesterday, and when I arrived to pick him up, he threw up. Well, at least the teacher didn't have to deal with the ickiness. I'd feel bad if she did.

5. Don't forget the next W4WS event is on the 18th. We'll be featuring Melissa Bradley and Gwen Gardner this month. Sign up on the linky list and help out your fellow writers. It's fast and simple. A tweet, a RT, or share a link on Facebook.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Very productive week, and well done on working out the formatting:)

  2. Sounds like a productive week!

    I hope your son feels better soon.

  3. I'd be nervous about ebook formatting, since I don't even own an e-reader. Congrats on getting that done!

  4. Sounds like a good week, minus some puking... but productive! I've only edited in ebook format once and I didn't do well. I'd be interested to try again someday with my books. :)

    Good luck writing!

  5. I think my comment on the IWSG post covered this too. Maybe I should go to bed, all the blogs are running together.

    Congrats on learning something new :)


  6. Wow, it seems like you've had a busy week! I'm so impressed that you learned how to format ebooks. That's something I hope to learn someday, too. I'm just as impressed that you're a fast writer, since I'm so notoriously slow at it, haha. Good luck finishing the latest 13th Floor book!

  7. Cherie is brilliant. I load manuscripts into my Kindle easily, but ebook formatting sounds much harder.

    I'm sorry about your little guy. I hope he feels better.

  8. You really had a productive week! Hope your son is feeling better and I wish you much inspiration for your next project.

  9. Sorry about your little guy being sick.
    The Dragonslayer is available? Off to purchase!

  10. I'm glad someone had a good week. Sorry for the little guy though. Never fun getting sick at school. Poor kid.

  11. I wish I had your drive. You're doing awesome. Can't wait for #1303.
    Hope little boy feels better soon.

  12. Wow- sounds like you had a full week and look at you writing away! Awesome sauce. I'm so glad things are running smoothly. I hope your little one feels better.

  13. My CP is a fast writer like you. I'm a turtle. Hope your little guy is much better today.

    Happy Weekend!

  14. Thank you all. The little guy is feeling a bit better. He's napping much more soundly than he did yesterday.

  15. You had a very productive week even with the sick little one.

  16. Sounds like you had a busy week!

    Hope your son is all better soon.

  17. I'm impressed that you're writing this series as you go along, I couldn't imagine accomplishing such a feat! And I'll be doing a crash course in ebook formatting for my anthology. I've heard it is manageable even if it seems somewhat scary. Hope your little dude feels better.

  18. Hope your son feels better! That's great you figured out how to format your ebook. I did that with my picture book, and boy, was it tough!

  19. CONGRATS on such a productive week! Hope your little guy is feeling much better.

  20. I just saw your book at Smashwords. Of course I'm interested now.
    Formatting is fun! Right? Anyway, it feels good to get it done. Now on to the marketing. Have a great blog tour!

  21. Best wishes for your blog tour, and CONGRATS on getting DRAGONSLAYER going! Hope your little guy is feeling better by now.


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