
Thursday, February 21, 2013

A few quick updates with an Angry Bird face

Angry Bird Face!
He does pretty good at getting the beak look with his mouth.
Can you believe he'll be three in two months?!

I haven't managed to get to many blogs or do emails this week. Please forgive me. It's been incredibly busy. The boy isn't napping and I'm trying to finish off the fourth book in the 13th Floor series. It's going longer than I expected and twisting in all sorts of ways. I hope to have it done by the end of the week. *knock on wood*

Thank you to everyone who participated in this month's Writers4Writers event. We rocked! And we now have 100 people signed up on the linky list. If each person has about 1000 people on Twitter, that's 100,000 people reached. Mind blowing.

Don't forget tomorrow is Alex J. Cavanaugh's big cover reveal.

On Monday, Laura Eno is revealing her awesome new cover too.

On March 1st, we have two fantastic bloghops: Back From the Future Blogfest and The Bloghop of Joy.

Finally, you have a few hours left to enter to win the first ebooks in the 13th Floor series including an ARC of the fourth book, The Harbinger!


  1. Good luck getting the book finished!

  2. That's a great Angry Bird expression. They grow up fast, don't they? Good luck on getting that book done :)

  3. Hope you'll find the time for writing! I loved the cover for your 4th book in the series.

  4. Happy writing.

    I'm participating in both bloghops.

    I can't wait to see Alex's cover.

  5. Hey, Christine. Glad the promo went well. Thanks for the reminders about what's happening in the next little while.

  6. He's working that angry bird face just right :-)

    I here you on the being busy. Been a bad, bad blogger bud and haven't been able to check many, if any blogs. Thanks for the reminders so I can keep an eye out for things and definitely can't miss Alex's and Laura's cover reveals.

  7. Christine, I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but your son is SO cute! Love that pic! And good luck getting the next book done. (:

  8. What a cute face! I love Angry Birds! Good luck getting the next book done!


    I just wanted you to know that. I've just started #1303. It's such a great concept and you are handling these characters so well, or maybe they are handling you? :)

    Anyway, great job and best of luck finishing the next one.

    I think his Angry Bird face is very cool.

  10. He's so cute! I can't believe he'll be three as well!

    And I can't wait to read the rest of 1304!

  11. Write faster!!!
    All ready for the upcoming events. Hopefully no one is disappointed tomorrow.

  12. It's tough when your kid stops napping! It means there's less time to get things done. Good luck with everything!

  13. Thanks for popping in, everyone. I'm writing like a mad woman today. I might finish! *crosses fingers*

  14. I love his angry bird face! So cute!
    My boys are on school holidays this week, so I know what it's like not having any time to write. I hope you find some time to yourself though. :D

  15. Adorable angry bird face! Hope you can finish! :)

  16. So many great things happening:) No wonder you're so busy:)

  17. Sorry to hear your little guy isn't napping. They grow up so fast!

  18. That's such a cute picture! It brought a smile to my face. :)

  19. Aw, he's going to be three soon? Exciting!

    Also, good luck with the fourth 13th Floor book! It's perfectly understandable why you wouldn't have as much time for the 'net. I have a hard time keeping up sometimes for even lesser reasons!


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