
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wicked Wednesday - new releases for 2013

A lot of great paranormal romances coming out this year. 2013 feels like a lucky year! Here's my list of the books I'm really looking forward to reading this year.

Haunted Moon by Yasmine Galenorn. (An Otherworld Novel, #13) Released on January 29th. Another great D'Artigo sisters' adventure narrated by my favorite of the siblings, Camille.

House Rules by Chloe Neill. (Chicagoland Vampires #7) Release date: February 5th. More Merit and Ethan. Oh yes!

The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead. (Bloodlines #3) Release date: February 12th. This series is a spin-off of Mead's best selling Vampire Academy series. I love the first two books and I can't wait to see what happens with Sydney next.

Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs. (Mercedes Thompson series, #7). Release date: March. Another atypical heroine that I admire.

Deadly Sting by Jennifer Estep. (The Elemental Assassin series, #8) Release date: March 26th. Gin Blanco is one of my favorite heroines. Who doesn't love an assassin that makes good barbecue?

Born of Fury by Sherrilyn Kenyon. (A League Novel, #6) Release date: April 1st. Finally a story about Hauk. I've been waiting a while for this one! These are unusual paranormal romances because they're also gritty sci-fi.

Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead. (Age of X series, #1) Release date: June 4th. A wonderful new series about a futuristic world and strange supernatural happenings. I'm really looking forward to this new series.

Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews. (Kate Daniels #9) Release date: July. The world in this series captivates me. The world after a magical apocalypse. It's so completely unusual and magnificent.

Grave Visions by Kalayna Price. (Alex Craft #4) Release date: August 6th. An excellent series with one of the sexiest versions of Death.

Up From The Grave by Jeaniene Frost. (Night Huntress #7) Release date: some time this year! I just started this series this month and I love it. Bones is one of my favorite all time vampires now.

I'm sure there are a lot more I'm missing. What paranormal romance releases are you looking forward to this year?


  1. I really should pay more attention about which books are coming out lol! I am looking forward to Strength by Carrie Butler - even though I have already read it ;)

    1. This is my once a year paying attention! *LOL* This list is a reminder to myself as much as letting other people know of new releases.

    2. Strength is top of my TBR list. :D

  2. I'm new on your blog, so I should first say "Hi!"

    My list looks a lot like yours, but I would also add Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Princess and City of Heavenly Fire.

  3. That is quite a list! I don't know how you find the time for writing and reading and herding toddlers... holy doodles, woman!

    1. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to do it too! *LOL*

  4. I'm with Cathy. You're Superwoman!

  5. Such a great list! I'm really looking forward to Richelle Mead's Gameboard of the Gods!

    1. Me too! It's original and I love all her other books.

  6. Wow lady, that's some list. The titles alone are intriguing. I am now up to having to live to be about 140 to finish off my TBR list.

    1. My TBR list is huge too. I'll never see the end of it!

  7. I like the sound of a lot of those titles!

    1. There are so many great books coming out and not enough time!

  8. What a lovely list. That would keep me busy for years. :) I need to speed up my reading at some point. Problem is, I usually read at bedtime. So now I tend to get sleepy when I read.

    1. I love to read at bedtime too. Yet I've gotten into the habit of reading as I do housework or picking up a book if my son plays by himself for a few minutes. So all those little bits add up!

  9. A lot of new stuff coming out. It must be exciting for all of those authors.

  10. I seem to see that Mercedes Thompson series everywhere.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  11. A lot of good books...:) Can't wait to see what you thought of them.

    1. I'll be hopefully doing reviews of all of them once I get my hands on them!

  12. Excellent list, Christine. I'm looking for new books to read, so I'll be checking all of these out. :D

    1. Thanks! I'm discovering more that I want to read already. *LOL*


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