
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Beginnings Blogfest

The talented and geeky L.G. Keltner is celebrating her one year blogoversary! Head on over to her site and congratulate her. To mark this milestone, she's hosting the Beginnings Blogfest. What inspired you to start blogging? When did your passion for writing begin? Or, if you don't want to get personal, write about the origins of your favorite book or movie. No strict guidelines. She's cool like that!

This blogfest comes at an excellent time. This is my 500th blog post! Wow.

I started blogging years ago on a different network. It was mostly a personal blog. A way for me to keep my friends updated on my life and to save time by not having to write 20 different emails a day. I didn't have a big following. It was my quiet little corner of the blogosphere.

When I started to get serious about my writing and wanting to build a platform, I moved to LiveJournal. I didn't stay there very long. I didn't find many people to connect with. I had this blog linked to my LJ, and I was getting more responses here. So I made my final move to Blogger, and I met an incredible community.

I wouldn't have made it as far as I have without the advice and encouragement of other writers. The move to Blogger was a fresh beginning. The best move I could've made. I've learned how to properly network, improved my craft, and self-published. All of this because of the great community I met through this blog.

Why did you start blogging?


  1. Blogger has been a great community. I've found a lot of friends here. Congratulations on your 500th post!

    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  2. I used to use LJ too, but it's harder to find people to network with, IMO. Blogger was definitely a good place to go! :D

  3. I started out on Blogger, and almost never regret my choice. ;-)

  4. Great beginnings Christine, and very similar to my own. I still have a LJ I post personal entries to. But I agree with you and Kyra, networking (at least with writers) is harder on LJ, but very easy here. The writing community in the blogosphere is great, and I'm glad you've had such fantastic experiences with them too.

  5. This community is just awesome. It's kept me going.
    I started blogging because my publisher told me to get my butt online.

  6. Yeah, I like Blogger WAY MORE than LiveJournal. Happy 2013!!

  7. Your blogging story is similar to my own. Blogger was the best move I ever made.

  8. i don't know why i started blogging--i guess because most of my life i have written---but mostly now because i enjoy it and from time to time just have to do it :)

  9. I'm so glad I started out on blogger too, I'm still amazed how many wonderful and supportive people I've met. It was interesting to read about your beginning!

  10. 500 posts that's awesome! I've got a LONG way to go to match that. But I love connecting with folks in the blogosphere.

  11. great story! I always wonder what made someone start keeping a blog. it really is a great way to keep in touch with others and to connect with each other.

  12. Thanks for sharing this . . .I've learned so much from all the awesome writers who blog too!!

  13. Congrats on your 500th post!

    I've blogged at various places around the Internet, but I'm happiest here at Blogger. I've met so many great people!

  14. 500 posts! Wow, that's awesome!

    I really like Blogger. It's a great community. I guess I started as a way to let people find out a little about me. It's nice when you get to know authors as more than just names on the cover of a book.

    Glad you've achieved so much success here!

  15. Blogging provides my only creative outlet - for now.

    Visiting from Beginnings Blogfest.

  16. Cool tale! I do like blogger, and I mostly started to interact with other writers, which has been A-MAY-ZING. :)

  17. Popping over from the Blogfest to say "hi" and that I enjoyed your post.

    I think encouragement, especially from peers, can be some of the best fuel to keep the writing fire going.

    Best of luck!

  18. i dont know what i'd be doing w/o blogger either!
    and i'm happy to know you, christine! we live in a wonderful age (for writing, anyway!)

  19. glad you made your way here! i'm going to stick to my first answer since my real answer is so generic and much like yours....i blog to move on to different people to stalk... :D

  20. Congrats on 500 posts. I started blogging because I heard I should but it took meeting other bloggers to make me learn to really like it rather than thinking of it as a chore.

  21. Thank you all! It's good to hear so many people love the community on Blogger too. I'm getting around to read your beginnings now. :)

  22. 500 posts! I'm impressed!!
    Good to hear how you started.

  23. Congratulations on your 500th post - wow!

  24. Mazel tov on 500 posts!

    I don't think I'd even heard of blogging till I began researching ways to build an author platform in 2011. I was filled with trepidation about committing myself to public posting on a regular basis and thusly didn't get to it till November of that year. I'm glad I did! :-)

  25. I started blogging because my sadistic, marketing grad of a CP made me. LOL

    I can't wait to read your 13th Floor series! :)

  26. Thanks, folks! I love hearing everyone's beginnings. A lot of us had similar ones.

  27. I've been at LJ for years and years too, but I've never really connected with it either. I think blogger is a great place to connect with other writer bloggers.


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