
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for January 2013

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I was going to write a post to cheer everyone on in the new year. A new year with new stories. So many possibilities. But I'm finding myself getting nervous about the goals I've set for myself. I tried to be more reasonable with them than I was last year. Actually, it's only keeping to the schedule with the 13th Floor series that has me worried.

I've set deadlines for myself. Are they set in stone? Yes. No. Maybe. Ack! I'm self-publishing. It means I can do what I want when I want. Right? Yet I've let everyone see the schedule. I've set up dates for blog tours. I don't like to disappoint people, and I know how generous people are to host me on their blogs.

If I glue myself to the chair in front of my computer, I can do it. It's going to take some hard work, but I can do it. But what if ....?

Those dreaded what ifs.

How do you deal with the dreaded what ifs? How do you deal with it when you can't make a deadline? 


  1. Good luck with your schedule! I hope everything works out for you!

  2. Happy New Year! May 2013 be a good writing and publishing year for you. I try to replace my "what ifs" with "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."

  3. I hide under my desk until the "what ifs" get bored and go away.

    But seriously (well, more so anyway), when I can't make a deadline (which is often), I allow myself some time to be grumpy (please note this is not at all useful so I don't recommend it) and then I square my shoulders and set a new deadline.

  4. You are one of the hardest working people I know, so while those insecurities are normal, don't let them take over because I know you'll achieve everything you want to and more!

  5. Christine, I say just go for itand get that phrase and go stick it ona dusty shelf to collect dust because you wont use it again. Good luck girl!

  6. I tend to set myself very generous deadlines as a rule, but if you're self publishing, then it really doesn't matter, even if you've just tried to convince yourself it does.

  7. No need to panic. You can always shift the deadlines a little. Just aim to hit them and adjust if that just doesn't happen.

  8. I always feel the same panic. Good luck with your goals!

  9. don't worry about the "what ifs"! if you do you'll end up wasting a bunch of the time that you could've used working on the things on your schedule. you got this! and i work on deadlines every day of my life (i work at a newspaper), it's no big deal. i got faith. you can do this! :) Happy New year!

  10. Happy new year, Christine! Yeah I second what Alex said. Use them as a goal and do your best. No need to burn yourself out. I have to ease up my reins a bit now and then and remind myself I can't do it all. Sometimes choosing my priorities in advance helps.

    Best of luck! Hope 2013 is a smashing success for your stories!

  11. Happy 2013 Christine! And I don't do well with those what if's either. I set goals for myself often, but life seems to get in the way, and I have to quickly readjust. Being flexible, and having Plan B, C, D, (LOL) in place, always helps..

  12. I think it's one of those things where if it needs to get done it somehow gets done. I usually panic at the last minute and work like a crazy woman if I've got a deadline on something, but that's not recommended. Break it down into doable daily goals and you'll get it done. :))

  13. I deal with a lot of what-ifs, too. I'm not sure I have any one way of dealing with 'em, though. They're just kind of...there. Haha!

    Anyway, good luck with your 2013 goals! I'm sure you'll find a way to pull 'em off and shake off those pesky what-ifs! ;)

  14. Thank you all! I guess we just have to deal with things as they come.

  15. I was born on Friday the 13th. I feel secure coming here because I know you pick on the number 13. And this year is 2013. Oh my...Christine, you shall be relentless :p

  16. I know how you feel. I got all panicky about my deadlines last year, so this year I'm not setting a deadline for a book release until the book is in the proofreading stages. And the nice thing about self-pubbing is that you can switch things up. We blog tour hosts will understand, I'm sure, as will the fans. :)

  17. I have a deadline this month. It's written in a contract. I have no choice but to meet it. It means giving up pretty much everything else. Which is why I accepted guest posts this month. :D It seems overwhelming to revise/polish and entire ms in 3 weeks, but I know I can do it. I'll grumble about it and work my butt off, but I'll do it. Then it comes back from the editor within a week. So, then it's back to the grind to get it out. But I love what I do. Remind yourself of that. :)

  18. Seriously, it's the what ifs that kill ya. If I spent more time WORKING and less time IFFING, I'd be RICH! LOL

  19. I do better with deadlines so I think it's good you set some for yourself. After that, all you can do is your best. When you write, write. When you're not writing live your life. That's what I keep trying to tell myself anyway. ;)

    Good luck!

  20. Erm 'what ifs' can be seriously damaging to your mental health! Remember you can always adjust the deadlines if they aren't working for you. Good luck for the new year and all your plans.

  21. Christine, you can do it! Happy New Year!

  22. Thank you. I really should stop with the what ifs. Like Cathy, I'd be rich if I worked more and what iffed less!

  23. Those 'what ifs' can be horrible. I think we just have to push them aside and forge ahead anyway.
    Happy New Year, Christine!!

  24. I had to reset some self-imposed deadlines recently when my mother became ill. It caused me lots of stress. I have other deadlines set by two different publishers I can't miss. That's what Rolaids are for.

  25. Be flexible! We will all be understanding if things change because life is always changing! :)

  26. Thanks! I need to work on being as flexible with myself as I am with everyone else. :)

  27. This is going to sound completely mental- but a councilor friend of mine once told me, when I was what-ifing myself to death over a family member's serious illness- try inserting a positive what if in there. What if everything goes smoothly? What if you hit your stride and blow that deadline away? What if you look back a few months from now and laugh at how up-tight you were?

    Can't hurt, right?

    Best of luck :)

  28. Great post. The "What Ifs" can be paralyzing, huh? At least for me anyway. I just try to do my best and go from there.

  29. Deadlines actually kick my butt in gear, so I set them for myself- just like you do! If I miss a deadline, I analyze what happened and then try to reassess the next deadline. No worries!

  30. just deal with what comes as it comes. things ruin my plans all day, like spills and dinner and chauffeur duty...but we work when we can. if you leave some wiggle room in your deadlines, you wont have to worry!

    and you wont! youre fantastic!
    heres to a smooth & happy new year!

  31. I don't make deadlines that I can't move. The most important thing for me would be having the best novel I could have - if that meant shifting dates a little, I'd do it. Hope it all goes well for you.

  32. 'What just take a deep breath and eat the bite at a time. You can do it. I know it.

  33. Thank you all so much! I like the idea of inserting positive what ifs in there.

  34. Best of luck on the tour. Remember to have fun along the way too! :)

  35. Well, I usually bash myself for a bit. Then, like always, I pick myself up and start again. It's what we do, right? Best of luck to you meeting your goals. *Remember we're our own worst critic and disciplinarian. Go easy on yourself. :) ~Happy New Years!!


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