
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 4 of The Alpha blog tour

I can't wait to show you what's in store for today!

Come on over to Kyra Lennon's blog.
I'll be chatting about Stefanie and James,
my Alpha female and her geeky love interest.
Romance where the woman is the aggressive one.

Next I have a guest post on worldbuilding at Elizabeth Arroyo's site.
Find out how I came up with my ideas for the fictional city of Carmine and the building the 13th floor is located.

Today tidbit: The city of Carmine has become a character herself like the 13th Floor. I consider both the city and floor female. The first books in the series will show more of the city while the final two books will be more about the 13th floor.

I'd like to announce the five lucky winners of my 400 Followers Giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered. You're awesome!
a Rafflecopter giveaway   
Congratulations to the winners! Emails have been sent. And if you didn't win this time around. Don't worry! I'll be having another great giveaway tomorrow. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm excited to be on your blog today! I love the series of romance posts I'm doing for you. :) Thank you so very much.

  2. 'I consider both the city and floor female.'

    That is intriguing.

    1. Thanks. It might be because I'm a woman, but that's how they feel to me.

  3. I always love it when places seem as vivid and alive as the actual characters, and that was definitely a feeling I got when I read the first book in this series! :)

  4. Congrats to the winners!

    It's interesting when cities take on a life of their own. Makes for a great atmosphere.

    1. It certainly did. Carmine is a bit of a femme fatale.

  5. Congrats to the winners! I'm off to Elizabeth's blog to read your guest post. I've already visited Kyra's.

    1. Enjoy the posts! There's a bit of a delay on The Dragonslayer. Grrr. If only the boy would nap!

  6. Congratulations to the winners. Headed over to Christine's blog now.

  7. I love seeing your gorgeous face everywhere, Christine! All so exciting. :D

  8. Congrats to the winners. I like that you think of those as female. Interesting.

  9. Busy day for you! I'll hop over to the other blogs.

    1. Thanks, Sherry! Busier day since the boy didn't nap. Maybe he can go over to your place and hunt for turtles with your boy. Snow turtles at this time of year!

  10. Congrats to the winnes... they'll be very happy.

  11. I'm enjoying reading the posts form this tour!!

  12. Again, congrats, Christine. Your stories are a joy to read.


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