
Friday, January 18, 2013

1303 - The Dragonslayer cover reveal

Title: 1303 - The Dragonslayer
The 13th Floor series, #3
Genre: paranormal romance
Release date: February 13th, 2013

On the rooftop of neighboring building, dragonslayer Xanthus Ehrensvard fires at his target, Governor Whittaker. How he missed the shot, he doesn't know, but fleeing the scene, he picks up an unwanted passenger. Gorgeous reporter Lois King saw Xan's face, and she believes it's the story to make her career. Except he can't let her walk away knowing what he looks like. Xan has to show her the Governor is a bigger threat to the world than he is.

Xan knows dragons never went extinct. They evolved with human society, taking on mortal forms, and slithered their way into positions of great influence and power, just like the Governor.
But it's no easy chore proving to someone that dragons still exist, and even more so, they're disguised as famous people. Xan must convince Lois or find another way to silence her. An option, as he gets to know her, he likes less and less.

After all, dragonslayers are no longer celebrated heroes but outlaws. Just as the dragons wish it. But this outlaw must make a plan to slay the dragon or risk its retribution.

Mark The Dragonslayer "to read" on Goodreads.

I do realize it's not exactly like the previous two covers. The model isn't staring forward, but I saw this picture and I was mesmerized. That is Xan. That's my dragonslayer! The fact he's shirtless is just a bonus. Heh.

Now who wants to be a part of my tour next month?!

I also have a bonus guest post over at Livia Peterson's blog. I'm talking about writing a series. What do you have to think about when planning to write a series?

Don't forget to enter the giveaway on Cherie Reich's blog for your chance to win the first ebooks in the 13th Floor series and an ARC of The Dragonslayer.


  1. Hot looking cover, Christine! Congrats :)

  2. Very cool cover...:) Cute guy.

  3. Hi Christine .. you're certainly doing one great job of promoting your series ... Dragonslayer - I'd be worried he'd be scratched, torn, or damaged ... hot is the word ... cheers Hilary

  4. He is a bit of a hunk, hot cover!

  5. I seriously LOVE this cover!
    Happy to help out if you need it.

  6. Your covers are so professional, Christine.

  7. Great cover. Book sounds really cool too :)

  8. Totally awesome cover, Christine. I'm thinking this guy should be a cover model for all books LOL. :D


  9. Looking good!

    You can always include my blog for your tour without asking. Just send me the stuff and the date and your in!

  10. Thank you so, so much! I'm so excited about the reaction to the cover.

  11. Great cover! I love how all the covers in this series clearly connect, but that they're each individualistic enough to give you a sense of the main character inside. You have such a fun variety of characters on the 13th floor! :)

  12. This sounds like a fun story! Who doesn't like dragons (much less, dragon slayers), I ask you?

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  13. Wow, you have some awesome covers for the series. I'd love to host you on your blog tour:)

  14. I'm always happy to help, Christine. I posted to UR's FB page. :D Feel free to post cover reveals, etc... there

    He is purty. Nice cover. He'll be gracing my blog Monday. :)

  15. Yummy...I mean, I LOVE your cover.(;

  16. You have great covers. I love the idea of a modern day dragonslayer and I'm not at all surprised the greedy, selfish dragons are hiding as politicians. Makes me wonder about the governor in my state.

  17. Awesome. Congratulations on your book's cover!

  18. The cover looks really great!

  19. Sounds like the best one yet. Looking forward to it!

  20. I love this cover.

    I joined some blogfests for Februrary, but I'd like to be part of a tour if the date is open.

  21. Ooo! Can't go wrong with dragons. I love 'em. (Nooo! Don't kill 'em! LOL) Best wishes with the release!

  22. I love the cover, and dragons, so I would love to be part of your tour :)

    Just hit me up on twitter/ blog/ mail.

  23. The Dragonslayer sounds like my sort of story! I've marked it in Goodreads 'to read'.

    If you're still looking to guest blog, I'd be more than happy to host you.


  24. Thank you again, everyone. I've gotten an amazing response! I'm overwhelmed by gratitude.


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