
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday sales peek and what's coming up this week

Only 11 days until the release of the first book in my 13th Floor series, 1301 - The Marquis. It's coming on so quickly. You can see all the wonderful blogs I'll be visiting on my blog tour if you click on the 13th Floor series tab above. I'd like to remind you all if you'd like to be part of one or more of the upcoming blog tours, please email me. The more the merrier!

This week, there's a lot of exciting things happening. I'm hosting Cherie Reich tomorrow for her newest release, The Nightmare Collection. I'll be interviewing a brave young woman by the name of Cassie Richards and talking about her horrific experiences with the monster.

On Wednesday, it's the Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. I'll be posting on the right day this month!

This Thursday is the very first Writers4Writers Group post. It's a brilliant way for writers to help other writers through social media. It's as fast and simple as a tweet.

I hadn't checked on my sales for about four weeks. November was a busy month. It was also a very bad month for sales. I've noticed a few other writers have mentioned this as well. Maybe everyone was too busy NaNo-ing? Or maybe I just need to promote some more.

Fearless still does pretty well. Hopefully it'll get a boost when The Marquis is released. These are my Fearless total sales since August. (Not including anything that's been downloaded from Kobo as they don't track free downloads.)
Amazon - 3921
Smashwords - 890
B&N - 3

Downloads for L'il Gal Al and the Zombies of Amarillo still mosey along like a tortoise on a desert vacation.
Amazon - 5
Smashwords - 89
B&N - 3


  1. Replies
    1. I know! I'll be talking about my jitters on the IWSG this week. This week will go fast too because my mom is visiting.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of downloads! The more books you have out there, the more sales you'll have! Just keep writing!

    1. I hope so. I'm pushing ahead! Sometimes slower than other times. Heh.

  3. I love the name of your series, Christine. It's just brilliant. My sales for November were sucky, too. I know I need to keep publishing, building my brand, and promoting - it just takes time. I'd love to host you on your tour if you're still looking for stops :)

    1. Thank you! It's hard to do everything at once especially on very little time, but slowly I'm getting there. Oh, thank you for offering to host me. It would be fun! Please email me at christinerains [dot] writer @ gmail [dot] com, and we'll talk about it.

  4. A lots of downloads... that's pretty good. A lot of people have taken to the story:) Can't wait for your new launch:)

  5. Less than two weeks!! Woot! I'm so excited for you. I'll be off line until the 15th, but I'll shout out to the world that day. I can't wait to get my copy. :)


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