
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Last day for the big Marquis giveaway

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We had a nice, quiet day. It took the boy two hours to open all the presents. He'd open one, play with it, and then move on. He was very excited about the playhouse we bought him. He played in the garage a lot yesterday.

A mean little virus has taken me down today. I can't think. I can barely look at the screen. We're snowed in and there's a state of emergency. I hope it isn't something dire!

There's less than 11 hours left to enter the big Marquis giveaway! There's three awesome prizes! Check out my guest post on The Warrior Muse's blog and tell us about your experiences with bad neighbors. The giveaway is open to everyone around the world.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hope you feel better and that the snow melts away:) Take Care.

  2. Hi Christine .. glad the little one had so much fun - and how lovely he was appreciative of each and every prezzie ... sorry about the virus - we've been struck too -

    Take care and 1301 is still in my sights .. I'm looking forward to the read .. cheers Hilary


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