
Friday, December 21, 2012

1302 - The Alpha cover reveal

Title: 1302 - The Alpha, (The 13th Floor series, #2)
Author: Christine Rains
Genre: paranormal romance
Release date: January 13th, 2013

Having been cooped up in her apartment for months, Stefanie Porter didn't think one run in the woods would matter. The wolf within her needed to stretch her legs, but obviously she didn't have very good instincts. Her former pack found her, and they almost catch her too, but a mysterious lone wolf jumps in to help Stefanie escape.

The pack is driven by their cruel Alpha, Wyatt. He refuses to give Stefanie her freedom even after she lost the challenge to lead them and left their territory. She can hide in her apartment, or the lone wolf can teach her some of his unusual urban survival tricks. James Roberts might be a bit geeky, but he's smart and looks hot when the argyle sweater comes off. He has a ridiculous ambition to become a superhero, and it might be admirable if Wyatt couldn't rip him limb from limb.

With the pack scouring the city for her, Stefanie must convince James to teach her, or fight not only for her life, but his as well.


  1. Like the cover Christine! I would love to be part of the Blog Tour for this release, let me know details in the future.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Loving both the cover and the premise! Carrie Vaughn's Kitty Norville series has made me really drawn to female werewolf characters, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I'm loving the sound of The Alpha! James' character sounds awesome, too. Yay geeks! ;)

  3. Good blurb. I'm ready to read it.

    Nice cover. Sexy

  4. (Remind me in January...I'll do a shout out.)

  5. Great cover—such a piercing look!

  6. Your are all over the blogging world today- Congrats! I can't wait to read this one.
    I hope this holiday season brings you many warm memories to carry you into he new year.

  7. Great cover! I love how well it blends in with the cover of the Marquis, the partial view of the character. Can't wait to see all the covers you come up with! Would be fun to see them all in a line on a shelf.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  8. Sounds like a great story! Good luck! Happy Holidays!

  9. Thank you, everyone! Happy holidays to you too!

  10. A great story in the series, and I also love the cover:)

  11. Ooh love the cover! The story sounds great.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  12. Hi Christine .. well done on # 2 ... 1302 .. I'm looking forward to reading 1301 .. must work out my Kindle!

    Happy Christmas and much success in 2013 .. cheers Hilary

  13. Love this cover! I think I heard you designed this?? Hmmm, argyle sweater + werewolf sounds like my dream man. I like a little geek :)

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys rock!

  15. I love the idea and titles for this series. The covers are great. Best of luck! :D


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