
Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest

This fantastic blogfest is hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew MacNish, and Alex J. Cavanaugh. It's for the bloggers we really miss. Someone not posting as often or gone absent from the blogging world? Or even someone you would really miss if they left their blog? This is your opportunity to show you how much you appreciate them.

This was an easy choice. Years ago, in a faraway blogging network, I was quietly writing about my life and desire to be an author. I didn't network, still too internet shy to do so, and I only had a few friends that followed me. One friend that stuck with me, offered up encouragement and words of advice, was a young man named Dave.

Every morning, his blog was the first thing I read. He'd have something funny from the news, a joke, or a hilarious tale of something that happened to him. He's a talented comedian, and he was just starting to get on the scene. Those years were rough for me, but I managed to smile in the mornings because of him.

His blog became hugely popular. No matter the drama and debates with all those new followers, I still stayed with him, and he still took the time to visit me. Dave's a fantastic guy, loyal to friends and family. One of the true and honest people on the internet.

I eventually left that blogging network to polish my internet self and push ahead to become a writer. I started this blog, and not long after, Dave's life became hectic. His blogging slowed, and we didn't see much of each other any more. We're friends on Facebook, but we only share a few comments now and then.

I miss my morning laughs. I miss his amazing stories, his edgy humor, and his great big heart. Oh, how I miss you, Dave!

Please visit the other participants in this blogfest, and thank you to Andrew, Matthew, and Alex for hosting. You guys are awesome!


  1. My guess is that the longer we blogs the more people we eventually miss. I didn't know Dave but anyone who manages to bring about a good laugh each day would have been great to know!

  2. Visiting from the blogfest. Love your writing style, I am your newest follower.

  3. Sorry you don't hear from Dave much, but sounds like he was quite a force in your early online career.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

  4. Dave sounds like quite a guy! I am glad you still keep in touch~ He should see this post ;D

  5. Having just checked his site and seen the cartoon, which made me laugh, I can see why you would miss him. I think this a wonderful idea for a blogfest.

  6. This is such a different blogfest, a little sad but it is showing the respect we all have for one another!
    Thanks for the cheers in the tournament Christine!

  7. That's kind of bittersweet. Glad you still keep in touch on facebook.

  8. I agree with C. M. I was surprised at the nostalgia I'm finding here on this blogfest, but I love that people who are connecting online do build such lasting relationships.

    Great blogfest!

  9. It is always nice to hear about people who have impacted your start. Great post!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  10. Oh that's such a shame, he sounds like an amazing guy :)

  11. Hi Christine .. sounds like Dave gave you a head start in many ways and kept you sane at challenging times - those guys are sadly missed ...

    Congratulations on keeping going though and teaching yourself some of the highways and byways of this blogging life .. cheers Hilary

  12. Aww! Dave sounds awesome! I can see why you miss his blog posts.

  13. Ohhh... Dave, come baaaaack! ;-)

    Thanks for sharing, Christine... such a neat fest! :D

  14. Glad you haven't lost touch entirely. It sounds like I missed out on a very cool blog...

  15. It's nice to have that kind of encouragement when you're just starting out!

  16. I'm lucky in that just about everyone I love is still around!

  17. Thank you all for popping by! Dave's an awesome guy. I need to tell him I did this post and I was thinking of him.

  18. Dave sounds awesome. I wish I'd been around when he was.

  19. It's sad when friends fade away. I'm glad you started your blog. I always enjoy stopping by here.

  20. Thanks so much for taking part, Christine! And you're welcome.

  21. What a fun blog! I'll connect on FB and Twitter, too.

  22. I'm glad everyone who looked over at Dave likes him. This is what he wrote back to me today on FB:

    Your blogfest post made my day/week/month. That was so nice. Just know that many of the sentiments you expressed are mutual. I never would have stuck around blogging for nearly as long without your consistent feedback. I remember back when I was stuck in the Army and I knew I could count on at least one loyal reader.

    Thanks and you know I miss you too.

    You Adopted Cousin,


  23. This is such a nice post! I loved hearing about your relationship and friendship with Dave. I think it is great that he wrote you back such a wonderful message. :)

  24. Great tribute post! And it's awesome that you got a response like that from him in return. :)

  25. What a great tribute! It sounds like you stuck with Dave through some tough times.

  26. so sweet! and sad! awesome dedication post! i'd miss you, christine!

  27. Such a heartfelt post! Come back Dave!! I want to meet you!
    (oh and geek high five...I think geeks are awesome.

  28. HI, Christine,

    I am sorry to hear that you friend is not around as much. We ALL have a "DAVE" we miss .... It's sad, but fortunately part of life. Just remember a new special person could be at the next blog you visit....

    Nice to meet you.

  29. Hi, Christine! Dave sounds like a great blogging friend. Sorry he's not blogging as often anymore.


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