
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Colonization Blog Tour Stop - My Review

Andromeda has spent all seventeen years of her life aboard a deep space transport vessel destined for a paradise planet. Her safe cocoon is about to break open as Paradise 21 looms only one month away, and she must take the aptitude tests to determine her role on the new world and her computer assigned lifemate. As a great-granddaughter of the Commander of the ship, she wants to live up to her family name. But, her forbidden love for her childhood friend, Sirius, distracts her and she fails the tests. The results place her in a menial role in the new colony and pair her with Corvus, “the oaf”.

But when Andromeda steps foot on Paradise 21, her predestined future is the least of her worries. Alien ghosts from a failed colonization warn her of a deadly threat to her colony. And when Sirius’s ship crashes on the far ridge in an attempt to investigate, she journeys to rescue him with Corvus.

Andromeda now must convince the authorities of the imminent danger to keep her protect her new home. What she didn’t expect was a battle of her own feelings for Sirius and Corvus.

Can she save the colony and discover her true love?

My review:
Andromeda likes her life just the way it is. Her comfortable world is changing, though. She's now the age where she'll be assigned her role amongst the crew and be matched with her life mate. Not only does that stress weigh down upon her, but the ship will be arriving at their destination, Paradise 21, at the same time. Her hopes crumble as she's assigned a job with her mother working with plants, and she isn't matched with her best friend and secret love, Sirius. Instead she's paired with a young man named Corvus who's nothing like Sirius at all. Paradise 21 turns out not to be so perfect. Something deadly is looming in the lush jungle, and only Andromeda has the clues to figure out what that might be. Caught in an emotional tug-of-war between Sirius and Corvus, can she focus on solving the mystery and save the colony?

Aubrie Dionne has created a science-fiction romance masterpiece. She takes us from the cozy confines of the ship into a world full of vivid colors and great wonder. Paradise 21 looks every bit the Eden the colony had hoped, but things aren't always as they seem. There're mysteries and ghosts lurking about, and Andromeda finds herself in the center of it all. Andromeda is a fabulous protagonist. All her emotional turmoil builds a strong character, and I found myself cheering out loud for her. Usually I'm not a fan of love triangles, but Dionne works in Andromeda's mixed feelings about Corvus and Sirius very well. Her relationships feel pure and natural. Corvus and Sirius are opposites, and both equally likable. I wasn't sure who I wanted to win Andromeda's heart.

This is my favorite book by Dionne to date. She never fails to wow me with the twists and turns in her plots, and her smooth flowing prose. The threat in Colonization is highly original and more frightening than even the biggest of space monsters. Of course, you're going to have to read it to find out for yourself!

You can buy Colonization at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Inkspell Publishing.

About the author: Aubrie Dionne writes science fiction fantasy with romantic elements. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Inkspell Publishing, Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She’s also a professional flutist in New England.

Please visit her website:
Twitter: @authoraubrie 



  1. Thank you for this wonderful review!

  2. Wow, I was pulled into the story!!! And I'm not usually a science fiction person, but this is good. Thanks for the post and the great review. :)

  3. Great review! Aubrie's books are fantastic!

  4. I dig that cover -- and that's a voicey review!

  5. What a great review! This is now on my TBR list

  6. This sounds fantastic! Must add it to my TBR pile for when I'm in a science fiction mood.


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