
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group for October 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm skipping my usual Wicked Wednesday post because I feel I've been lacking substance in them lately. Actually, I feel like I'm not doing enough blogging and networking. Yes, yes, look how many posts I've been putting up and I have a ton scheduled for this month, but I've cut back on my time spent online and I feel badly for it.

I need to write. I'm sure everyone understands that. I want to increase my productivity and for that, I need time away from the internet. While I'm forgiving of anyone else that says such a thing on their blog, I find it difficult to forgive myself. It's not unusual that I hold myself to different standards than other people. I know as a writer, the most important thing I need to do is write. I need to balance it with everything else in my life. Logic has no place amongst emotions, though.

Do you hold yourself to different standards than you do other people?


  1. Oh, absolutely! I am always supportive when other writers take time out, but when it's me, I feel awful. I guess we have to learn to be less harsh on ourselves!

    1. We really do! I've always told myself I push myself so I can better myself, but sometimes that push can be too much.

  2. I agree. I just feel as if the world will fall apart without me. =) No, I feel as if I need you all to stay afloat. It gives me a reason to ignore everything else. lol. I say go ahead and do what you love...write. We'll still be here. =)

  3. Yep, I definitely have higher standards for myself than others. I should be able to do everything and keep it all together, and most of the time, that's not very true or possible.

  4. For sure! Breaks are needed to recharge. . . if only I could convince myself of that. :D

  5. Yeah, taking a break is hard, but I agree: sometimes it's necessary to increase productivity.

    Be kind to yourself and take the time you need.

  6. I understand completely. I also hold myself to different, more unforgiving standards than other people. When I find myself focusing too much on my blog and my writing suffers, I feel bad. When I focus on my writing and my blogging suffers, I feel bad. Darn it, if only I could get rid of this illusion that I might be able to do everything!

  7. Ha,ha, ha! Everyone else has really good reasons for whatever it is they do. Me I only seem to have poor excuses!

  8. Best of luck on getting that writing done! I am definitely harder on myself than I am on others.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  9. I already feel I don't measure up to lots of my blogging friends and all they do. Maybe I need to raise my personal expectations.

  10. I've been slacking in my blogging, too. It's tough to fit it all in. My deadline is fast approaching, and something has to give. I think most bloggers understand.

  11. Definitely. I'm much harder on myself than I am on others.

  12. I posted for the first time in a month, today! :o But the amount I've written in the last month is probably more than the last six, so I try not to beat myself up too much about it. And neither should you :) everyone will understand if you take some time away to write, just like you understand when everyone else does it :)

  13. I sure do! When I spent June and July writing CassaStorm, I refused to let my blogging suffer. Needless to say, I didn't accomplish much else those months.
    That's why I only blog three days a week. I don't feel bad pulling back the days I don't post.
    Give yourself time to write and enjoy. We won't abandon you!

  14. Thank you all. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who pushes myself through the wringer. You guys rock!

  15. I think time away from the internet as a much needed thing. You won't lose your real connections if you're away for a bit. Writing is far more important.

  16. Totally yes... hubby always tells me that I'm the only one who expects this huge things from myself and that I should stress less...More time writing sounds perfect.

  17. Thanks, Lynda and Tania. My productivity has increased with my son in preschool, but I still should do more in the afternoons rather than try to keep up with my social media!

  18. Absolutely! I have to learn to let the social media go much more often and get more writing and editing done!! I use an RSS reader program and read more blogs than I comment on but even that has slowed down. I have to better set priorities...thank goodness I'm retired!

  19. Networking is important and so is supporting the writing community. But you're not a writer if you don't write, and blogging isn't really writing. Try to split your time, but if it comes down to it, I think the 'real' writing should win. (At least that's the way I do it.)
    Good luck! :-)

  20. Yes, definitely. There never seems to be enough time to go around.


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