
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Five for September 7th

1. It's been a productive writing week. I finished a sci-fi short story for this month. I had another short story rejected and submitted it to another press. I'm over halfway done with my new novella. If I can keep up the pace, I might be able to finish the first draft on Sunday.

2. My productivity has been largely related to the fact I haven't been writing blog posts and making my rounds. I miss you guys, but I know you all understand we need breaks now and then. I'm going to continue to be around only for a little this month. If I can keep up my great writing pace, I'll be able to start putting out my new series by November or December.

3. I'll be visiting M. Pax on Spacedock 19 next Wednesday. We'll be talking about the paranormal. Make sure to stop by and have a drink with us.

4. My son is loving preschool. Yet he still has some problems being separated from me. And yeah, maybe I have a little anxiety about letting him go on his own too. Tuesday was a rough day. He refused to let go of me for over an hour. I stayed the whole morning with him. Yesterday was much better. I researched techniques to deal with separation anxiety and put them to good use. He made it through the whole morning without me. I'm so proud of him.
(That's my boy having thoroughly enjoyed a chocolate turn-over!)

5. I'm researching mini laptops. I want to get something small and light to carry around for writing. I don't need anything fancy, but I want something durable and with great battery life. Any advice and recommendations are welcome.


  1. I think everyone will agree that we can manage without your blog posts if it means we're going to be able to read more of your work soon!

    I hope your son gets more settled soon. It must be so hard to leave him!

  2. well first off before I forget the name I have a mini dell inspiron 1012 netbook, which I use for my writing and it is awesome, comes in lots of colours, mine is pink, of course, and has an incredible battery life, mine on a full charge has lasted pretty much two days with a lot of use, in fact almost constant use. I highly recommend it and Dell are a good company and tend to make products that last. My PC is also Dell, they are just the most reliable I have found.
    Awwww sad not to have so many post by you but I totally understand I have been a bit like that lately too. Your little boy is adorable, my son has just started his second year of primary school and he loves it, I am sure with time both you and your son will get through these times of anxiety and embrace school life, so don't worry.
    even better news, fearless is creeping ever closer to the top of my to read pile and I am getting so excited now :) well take care of yourself love and hugs Joss xx

  3. Yeah for productivity

    For me though...this is my only social activity *sigh*

    - The Hermit Writer

  4. Sorry about the separation anxiety. Hopefully he will adjust soon. I think I had a harder time adjusting than my girls. LOL

    I am also looking for a lightweight lap top I can cart around with me. Let me know if you find anything!

  5. I'm so excited that you might be finished with The Marquis soon!

  6. I'll definitely catch you at Mary's next week!
    And your son is a mess. Clean up on aisle two!

  7. so glad your son likes his school :)

  8. I love my MacBook Air. It's light and thin enough for me to drop into my purse if I want. And it's not fancy (contrary to popular belief); it's not a Pro, so it's pretty basic. And the battery life is terrific. Plus, it doesn't take any time at all to boot up.

  9. i had an asus netbook that worked great...unfortunately the kids got to it and...well, it's history. My kids get separation anxiety as well but I'm so glad my 1st grader did great this year. No tears or anything. It just takes time and patience.

  10. I wish I could buy a Macbook but too many bucks for me.

  11. Congrats on your great writing week! I'm glad your son is loving preschool. :)

  12. I'm very inspired by your flow of words within a very busy life. Congrats!!!! :)

  13. Wonderful progress on your novella... can't wait to read it. Finding a perfect laptop is not easy... I have a mac, and would not change. Especially since I love using scrivener for all my stories.

  14. What a cute picture! I'm glad you're getting writing done! That's why I don't visit blogs anymore, (except for yours!) it just takes too much time to keep up with it.

  15. awesome writing job! cute mess =)
    love mpax's interviews! i'll be there!
    and good luck w/the laptop. i'd love a smaller one too!

  16. I also want a little netbook to carry around. I currently trawl around with the laptop in my bag, but I'm positive it's going to start doing my shoulder damage!

    Aww fingers crossed the separation anxiety issues get better. As vitally important as it is to let go, it must be so hard.

  17. Thank you all for the encouragement and kind words. It'll help hearing about your mini laptop loves when I go buy mine at the end of the month.

    I'm still on track with my writing. Don't know exactly how the big climatic battle will go, but as a pantser, it works best for me that way!

    The boy has been saying he never wants to go back to school. Hopefully by Tuesday morning he'll change his mind.

  18. I'm also interested in getting a netbook.

    Happy writing. Your productivity and goals sound wonderful.

  19. Christine congrats on how you handle rejections...I should learn from you :).

  20. Congrats on the productive week! I had an asus netbook and it got about 7 hours of battery life, which was fabulous (the specs said 9 or something, I think, but that is never accurate). Asus is very reliable, also.

  21. Way to go! Stay strong - we don't mind fewer posts if it means you're cranking on awesome writing. :)

  22. Wow. Great job with your writing this week! Congrats!


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