
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Five for August 17th

1. I wrote a new flash piece, a twist on the myth of Cassandra and Apollo, and submitted it. I'm still keeping up with my goal this year to write one/submit one. Though, it's the only goal I've managed to keep. Time is slipping by so quickly, and I'm far behind on my other projects.

2. My steampunk Cthulhu short story that I wrote earlier this year was the one I really wanted to get accepted. It was short-listed. I was eager to contribute to the Mythos, but alas, my story was cut. I consumed a lot of ice cream and wallowed in the rejection. Now I'm making a few little adjustments and I'm submitting it to the YA steampunk anthology, REAL GIRLS DON'T RUST. The other story I started for that anthology fizzled out. I had a great character and story idea for her, but then I started writing about this huge mound in the desert and the workings of the people living in it. It was more fantasy than steampunk. The two concepts clashed and didn't work. I'll have to separate them and keep them in my idea files for later use.

3. FEARLESS continues to do very well. It makes my head spin to think of so many people reading it. I'm still promoting it, but I realize that I need to work on my other books and get them out there. One of the biggest thing that helps a writer with sales is putting out more books.

4. My husband is away at Gen Con. It's just me and the boy for three days. The boy hasn't been napping much lately. It's going to be a long three days. On Sunday, it's Family Day at Gen Con and we're all going.

5. The boy starts preschool next week. We have orientation on Tuesday and his first official day is Thursday. He'll be attending two mornings a week with five other two-year olds. For the past few weeks, I've been having stress dreams about this. Dreams where I end up being put in the position to teach the class, that I have to run all the parents' committees, and that my son won't let go of me or, if he does happily go, something bad happens. I'm use to dreaming about fighting monsters. I don't know how to fight parent stress dreams!

Have a good weekend, folks!


  1. Aww, I'm sure those stress dreams will fade out once preschool starts and your little man settles in! I hope he like it! :D

    1. My fingers are crossed. If he does well, more writing time for me! :)

  2. I wish you the greatest of luck Christine, with your short story. I really admire your ability to keep a pleasant equilibrium between writing and family life :). You make sound motherhood very simple and charming. I might get influenced by your good vibes.

    1. Thank you! Ah, how I wish motherhood was simple, but it does have its charms. :)

  3. Good luck with the short stories. I'm thinking about writing some more flash pieces. They are so much fun. I'm glad Fearless is doing well!

    1. Thanks! I've ended up doing more flash pieces because of my lack of time.

  4. Starting preschool! He's growing up so fast! Sorry to hear about the rejection. Just keep submitting!

    1. I know! Soon your nephew is going to be heading there too. I'm sure he's saying a lot more to you these days as well. :)

  5. Good luck with the submission! That's awesome about FEARLESS. And I'm sure those parent stress dreams will get better once he starts preschool.

    1. Thanks! I hope he does well. It's hard to predict what kids will do.

  6. Definitely the one thing that has helped my sales is having more than one e-book out there. I'm working to get more released soon as well. It'll be so much easier when the kids are in school!

    1. It'll definitely be easier once they're in school. Your house will be wonderfully quiet!

  7. Enjoy your mommy time with the boys. The dreams will stop after pre-school starts, I'm sure. Fear of the unknown is always hard.

    Keep your chin up about the rejection. Just another day in the life for us writers...I try to think about the rejection my friends that are models must go through daily. They get rejected because people don't like their FACE or their BODIES, dear Lord! I could never handle that. It's easier to think someone is just rejecting my work. HA! :O

    1. Thanks! I couldn't imagine being a model either. At least I can tell myself the rejection of a story isn't personal!

  8. sorry--next time---i can't believe it is time for school already--have a nice weekend:)

  9. I can relate to how you're feeling about preschool. I'm experiencing the same kind of stress about kindergarten.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Sorry for the rejection. I bet it was an awesome story. Did you have some chocolate?

    Hope the stress about your little man starting preschool stops. Probably once you both settle into the new routine.

    1. I did have some chocolate! Thanks. I think once we're settled in our routine, things will ease down. I'm looking forward to August being done with and September bringing some less stressful times.

  11. I'm sorry about the rejection. I'm glad you're just going to re-tool it, though, and get it back out there. That is exactly what we should do after a rejection (easier to say than do, though). Congratulations on the sales!!

    My daughter starts kindergarten on Monday. I'm excited, but nervous. I'm relieved to have the alone time, yet will miss my kids. Ah, parenthood. It's never straight-forward, is it?

    1. Thanks! I wish parenthood were simple. Nothing has been more difficult in my life.

  12. You're doing so well with your I really really like your cthulhu story:)

    1. Thanks! I hadn't wallowed over a rejection like that in a while. I think we all need a good wallowing once in a while. :)

  13. I also have stress dreams, which makes sleeping stressful.

    Good luck on the submissions.

    I'm glad for Fearless' success. :)

    1. I love to sleep, but those dreams are interrupting better dreams! Thank you. :)

  14. great news! good for you & hope that story gets published!
    good luck to the boy, too! he'll have fun!

  15. *fingers crossed* for your sub!
    Sending writing vibes your way! :D

  16. Wow, lots happening! Best of luck on everything from submissions to being stress dream free :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  17. First day of kinder, My son (who is now 35) needed me to stay a couple of days with him. I did. My daughter (who is 30) told me to go home. I did--and cried all day.

    My horrible dreams during that time never came true--just so you know.

    Trust me, nothing you stress about will change anything except the lining in your stomach and that's not good.


    1. I know the anticipation is always worse than what actually happens. Thanks for popping by and sharing your experiences with me. :)

  18. Snap! I split my novel into two because it had hit a road block too. Best of luck with your submission and hope all goes well with your wee boy! :)

  19. I fight stress dreams similarly to how you handled your Cthulhu short story rejection - lots and lotsa ice cream. And/or chocolate. Formerly, with booze, but some new meds I'm on make booze a bad idea. Hey, pass me the Snickers, wouldja? ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic


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