
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

FEARLESS is here!

It's here! It's here!
FEARLESS is now available at

It costs $.99 on Amazon and B&N,
but it's free on Smashwords and Kobo.
If you could please do the
price-matching thing on Amazon,
I'd be very grateful.
Spread the word!

Please pop over to Tania Walsh's site today.
I've a guest post about monsters.
So much fun!

Speaking of monsters,
it's the first day of the
I can't wait to read all your posts.
I'll be posting my childhood monster tomorrow.

I finally got everything fixed on CreateSpace.
THIS is the new link.
I'm sorry about the delay.
(Tip for writers publishing their work on CreateSpace: Make sure you get a free CreateSpace ISBN. They will give you a section where you can add your own, and you will likely already have one if you've published the story as an ebook already. CreateSpace wants their own ISBN, but they don't tell you that. Because once you add it in and click that button, you CANNOT change it. And when you get everything approved and accept the proof ready to be sold, you CANNOT delete the project. Customer service didn't help explain the situation either. The only thing you can do at this point is start over by making it a new project. Though the second time I went through it was much much quicker than the first!)


  1. SQUEE! Congrats again! I started reading Fearless last night - I love it as much as I did the first time!

  2. Yay Christine!! I hope it's a great success! I've picked up a copy and am looking forward to reading it.

  3. So excited for you! It was a really great story. Got my copy already. And I finally thought of a monster!

    1. Cool! I can't wait to read it. And thank you very much for everything, Alex.

  4. Yeah Christine! I'm so happy for you.Can't wait to read it. CONGRATS.

    Looking forward to reading everyone's childhood monster entries too.

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to start reading all the posts too. But I hear my son has woken up. Now it will have to wait until nap time!

  5. More congrats! I'm so excited for you!

  6. Congrats Christine!
    I'm almost ready to add my post about the blogfest. I will mention you and your book~ I'm excited for you :D

  7. Congratulations on Fearless!

    I wish you tremendous success!!!!

  8. Happy Fearless Day and Congratulations!! Will buy my copy today (just emailed you about it.) So very exciting! :D

    1. Thank you! And even more so that you asked about which one to buy. You're very thoughtful! :)

  9. Congrats, Christine!!! Can't wait to check it out!

  10. Congratulations!

    I'm posting my childhood monster tomorrow.

    1. Thanks! I'll look for it then. Mine will be up tomorrow too.

  11. Congrats Christine. Go girl!
    Just posted my Blogfest entry up about my childhood monster.

  12. Congrats, Christine! Interesting info about CreateSpace, I am still trying to figure out how to publish there without PDF files. Someone told me it could be done...

    Love your blog hop, it gave me a chance to write down an experience I had meant to share for a long time. I only have a couple of supernatural stories under my belt, written for fun, but it was fun to participate.

    1. Thank you! You can publish without a PDF. CreateSpace will transform your file into one automatically. I can't wait to read your experience!

  13. Got your book on my Kobo. I'm going to read it after my surgery. Loving the monster day.

    1. Thank you! You're the first I've heard to get it off Kobo. Cool!

  14. Congrats, Christine. I downloaded a copy.

  15. Congrats, Christine. I'm getting my copy!

  16. Congratulations on your book, Christine!! I will absolutely check this out.

  17. Congratulations on your release! So happy for you!

  18. W00T, W00T, congrats Christine! I did wind up downloading the PDF onto my laptop but am still so old-school that I really wanted the physical book, which I've just ordered. Can't wait to get it! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Awesome! Thank you so much. I haven't even ordered a print copy for myself yet. Hehehe! I know what people are getting for Christmas this year, though! *LOL*

  19. Yay! So exciting to have your book in print. I'll be looking forward to your monster story tomorrow!

  20. Congrats Christine! As you know, I've published my childhood fears for all to see. :-)

    Interesting info about Createspace. Is that just if you want to sell via Createspace or if you want to use them at all? I was planning to use Createspace to produce the book but direct people to buy it through Amazon. Would I still need to use Createspace's ISBN to do that?

    1. Thank you! For any project you do on CreateSpace, you'll need an ISBN just for them. It's free, so you don't have to worry about that, but they want their own. It doesn't matter if you're just with them or not. Their system isn't hard to do once I learned what I was doing. My second time through was very quick. Just be prepared that their customer service is not that great. My husband thinks bots were answering my emails rather than people.

  21. Many many congratulations, Christine! I wish you much success with this novella--sounds fascinating! I've just put it at the top of my to-read pile :) I found you through Mina Lobo, and so glad I did in time to join the blogfest. Thanks for dropping by and for the thoughtful comment!

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoy the book and I'm eager to read about your monster. :)

  22. Congrats, Christine! That is so exciting!

  23. Congrats! Woohoo! I'm excited for you!

  24. What a great idea!

    My childhood monster was the monster under the bed. I'd have to check each night to make sure it was clear. I may or may still not check under the bed.

  25. Awesome, Christine. Your monster post was cool. Loved it. Congrats on the release of your novella; I'm sure it will do well. I enjoyed your blogfest too.

    Have a good week.


  26. Very nice!! Congrats. I will get my copy tomorrow morning. Can't wait to read it.

  27. Congrats on getting the novella out. I've read some of the A-Z entries and will this check this out. I'll pop over at Amazon do the price-changing thing.

  28. Congrats! This is so exciting. I wish you much success and happy writing!

  29. Huge congrats... so excited for you... Fearless is awesome:)


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