
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Gravity Trilogy Cover Reveal

Three alien couples in three space fantasy novelettes fall in love in the Gravity trilogy.

A Persean and a Medusan crash land on a post-apocalyptic Earth and must escape their prison cells in Defying Gravity. An Earthling and an Aresian flee their attacking people and fight for the right to live and love in Fighting Gravity. A Cupidian and an Earthling can’t ignore the pull of love while they battle to save their home in Pull of Gravity.

For more information about these three novelettes and the author who wrote them, please visit Surrounded by Books Publishing.

The covers have been redesigned, and you have a chance to win the complete trilogy.

Now I will tell you more details on how to win the trilogy. All you have to do is leave a comment and tell us what you think of the new covers. The winner will be chosen by and announced this Friday.

I LOVE the new covers for the series! I'm so happy for Cherie. I'm even more excited that her final book in the series, Pull of Gravity, will be available at the end of July or early August.


  1. I think those covers are cool! Great theme.

  2. I like the color...

    ...but they kinda-sorta don't look like fiction. They don't have either the feel of SF or space romance.

    They almost come across as a Physics texts.

    I know that isn't what you want to hear....


    1. Hehe! I kinda see what you mean. I was going for a simplistic cover kinda like what I've seen in some YA novels, such as The Hunger Games, Twilight series, Holly Black's new series (White Cat, Red Glove, etc.).

  3. Thank you for supporting me throughout this series and my writing career, C.! I couldn't have done it without you.

    1. You're welcome! I wouldn't be here without you either. :)

  4. Wow, these covers are awesome!! So excited for you Cherie, and I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy. Congratulations!

    Thanks for sharing this, Christine!

  5. The colors are so vivid and eye-catching. I love them! I can understand the earlier comment saying they look a little like science textbook covers, but I still don't doubt they're fiction by looking. Since the stories involve alien couples, the science/space look works for me. I see lightning and fire in them, and those are intense natural phenomena that work to convey intense passion.

    This is just my humble opinion of course, and I've probably talked for too long already.

    Good luck!

    1. Hehe! I get what you mean. I was going more for symbolism in the stories than half-naked aliens (which are very hard to find on stock photos). LOL!

  6. Thanks for stopping by, everyone, and good luck!

  7. I think they're great covers. I like the way they match each other--some series covers don't look related, but these pull on a consistent theme.

  8. The covers look great. Wow, Cherie is one busy lady! So nice of you to do a shout-out for her!

  9. I like the covers. They exude an ethereal energy that draws me in. The stories sound interesting as well.

    Wrote By Rote

  10. I'm so happy with the response to the new covers! Yay for Cherie! :)

  11. Well done Cherie... the new covers are gorgeous.


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