
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Six for July 28th

1. I'm slowly loading FEARLESS up to the various ebook sellers. I'm so glad Cherie formatted them for me. Some of the stuff is confusing. I have to carefully read it through again and again to make sure I know what I'm doing and nothing is going to go wrong. I found Smashwords the easiest to work with. Amazon and B&N were equally as tedious, and I didn't like Kobo at all. It didn't have paranormal or paranormal romance listed as a genre. And what's with the sites calling urban fantasy "urban life?" I picture something completely different when I think urban life; more non-fiction than fiction.

2. I'm working my way slowly through CreateSpace. None of my documents were correct at first, but I worked through it with their system. It was helpful even if it took a while. I have to work on the cover-spine-backcover. It has to be one file. I might try to go through their do-it-yourself program and see what I can make. I'd very much like to have FEARLESS available in paperback. I'll eventually get there.

3. I've had a great response to my "What was your childhood monster?" blogfest. 36 people are signed up so far. I get ten times as many hits a day on that post than any other too. I think that's excellent for my first blogfest. Thank you, folks!

4. I haven't written my short story for this month yet. I started a steampunk story, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get back to it. I'm telling myself I need to write a sci-fi flash piece this weekend and try Daily Science Fiction again. Third time's a charm, right?

5. Nope. No air-conditioning yet.

6. I don't have any plans for the weekend other than to write that flash piece. Maybe we'll go to the library and/or have a picnic by the lake again. Any way to stay cool. I'll be happy to see July in my rearview mirror. It was a brutal month. August will bring an air-conditioning unit, FEARLESS, Gen Con, and preschool. Onward to August!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi Christine :)

    I've been on blogger break so haven't been around lately. I got your e-mail and will be scheduling my post for it this weekend. Gonna be a fabulous launch.

    I'm not sure I signed up for the Childhood fears blogfest - still not sure about my blogging schedule - but if I didn't, and I can post for it, I certainly will.

    Have a good weekend.


    1. Thank you very much! Hope you've had a good break and an excellent weekend.

  2. Formatting books is easily one of the most boring tasks ever! I actually found Smashwords harder to format for than Amazon! Also designing the cover for Createspace can be awkward but I just used one of their templates and it made everything better! If you need any help, let me know!

    1. I'm lucky to have my wonderful critique partner and editor format for me. Yet I go over everything just to make sure. Thanks for the offer! I'll try their templates out.

  3. Wohoo! Just signed up for the Childhood fears blogfest. :)
    Gosh, formating sounds like a beast! My Urban fantasy is set to be released in December. Hopefully I'll learn something between now and then. Congrats on FEARLESS launch in August!

    Happy Weekend.

  4. It will all come together!
    No AC???????

    1. It's a miracle that I haven't melted into a fleshy puddle yet!

  5. Eeek, no AC. I hope you get some soon.

    Happy writing and I hope all the formatting comes together.

  6. I had someone help with my short story onto Amazon, I wasn't about to try to get it elsewhere. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get "Spell of the Black Unicorn" up by myself. I don't understand it, have slow modem troubles and so everything I do is 10x's slower. I just don't have the patience to sit and wait for whatever.

    And wow. I would die w/0 a.c. We've had 100's here forever!

    I'm on vacation and will be leaving for Montana where it is low humidity and temps at night are in the 40's Yay!

    Good luck with the book, Christine!

    1. I'm near death without the AC. July have been a horribly hot month here too. Enjoy your vacation! :)

  7. I grew up with no AC and now I wonder how we survived. I guess it's all a matter of what we're used to.

    Nice rate of participation on the blogfest I'd say. When it gets too big it can become almost unmanageable.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. I grew up without AC too. It's so easy to become accustomed to something, isn't it?

      Thank you, and enjoy the Gravity trilogy! :)

  8. Can't wait for the launch... so excited:) And the blogfest is such a great idea. Great participation.

    1. Thank you! I'm happy you like the monster guest post too. :)

  9. I do like the heat so I'm not suffering as much as my lawn is.
    Glad your blogfest is shaping up.

    1. Thanks! My lawn is dead. I wonder if we'll have to reseed it next year. At least my veggie garden is doing wonderfully!

  10. Just signed up for the blogfest! Sorry I'm late!

    1. Hey, no problem! You're a busy woman. :) I can't wait to read your post.

  11. yay for all your hard work! Good luck with that flash fic. I hope you got it done.

    1. Thank you! I hope to finish the flash fic today, but I was at least productive in sending my book out to various review sites.

  12. Thanks for sharing your experiences with all the e-pub companies. I'm learning a lot through you! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic


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