
Thursday, July 26, 2012

New blogfest badge and schedule

I LOVE this new badge! The artwork is amazing. It has the perfect atmosphere. I was happy to get permission from the artist, an extremely talented woman named Nina. I discovered Nina on deviantART. Please check out her site. Her artwork is beautiful. Some pictures are lively, some are dark, and others are simply breathtaking. Every piece inspires a dozen stories in my head.

Don't forget to sign up for the "What was your childhood monster?" blogfest to help promote the release of my novella, FEARLESS.

I added FEARLESS on Goodreads. It took a little bit to figure out. I also can't find where you can add tags for your book to list it under certain genres. Does anyone know if you can do that?

I'm excited to be doing a guest post on writing action scenes at Kathleen Doyle's Thirsty Thursday blog on July 31st. Pop by for a visit! Don't worry, I'll remind you again on Tuesday.

I have a big week lined up for my release. Of course, there's the blogfest happening August 7th - 9th.

On August 6th, I have an interview with Shelley Sly, a fellow writer and geek. I also have a guest post on writing fear at my hard-working critique partner, Cherie Reich's blog. You still have one more day to enter to win the entire Gravity trilogy by Cherie!

August 7th is the official release of FEARLESS. That day I'll be over at Tania Walsh's site with a post about monsters. Tania is awesome, and we share a love of mythological creatures. Every Monday, she has a fascinating post about a mythological monster.

I'll be visiting the lovely Aubrie Dionne on August 8th. We'll have a fun chat. In other Aubrie news: on July 30th, Aubrie will be revealing the cover to her newest sci-fi romance novel, Colonization. There will be a giveaway!

Finally, on August 9th, I'll be interviewed by M. Pepper Langlinais. Be prepared for something out of the ordinary. I can't wait to find out what she'll ask me!


  1. I've signed up to the blogfest and added Fearless to my To-Read list on Good Reads. Looking forward to reading the novella and everyone else's posts about their childhood monster! :-)

  2. Coolio! I just signed up for your blogfest. Good idea. It sounds like a lot of fun indeed. I am hosting mine the 3 days subsequent if you're interested.

    It is called the "Dog Days of Summer." It runs from Aug 10-12. Stop on by and sign up!


  3. Yippee! Just added Fearless to my TBR list!

  4. An awesome schedule... I'm got you tagged on Goodreads:)

  5. You've got a great tour lined up! Like the new badge. And yes, I fixed the dates on my blog. Really dumb considering I had the first badge right there in front of me. Don't blog when really tired I guess.

  6. Great line up! And that artwork is fab!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Looking forward to the interview!

    You know, I found my novella "St. Peter in Chains" listed on Goodreads but have no idea who put it there . . .

  9. Congrats on the upcoming release!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  10. Hehe! I guess I should read your blog post before I sent you that email. As for shelves on Goodreads, the people who add your book can do that. There's no other way to do so as far as I know.

  11. That is an awesomely creepy picture! I love it=)

  12. Hey, there's a rumor about a book called Fearless. Know anything about it? Just kidding!!!!! Congrats on the launch and I love the Monster Hop. I'll stop in and say hi.

  13. Ooh, pretty! I'll change the button pic on my blog.

    Added the book on Goodreads.

    I don't think there's a way to tag books or genre on Goodreads. When a reader adds it, they can tag it to put it in their specific lists, but I don't think there's a way for the author/publisher to have it as part of the data. At least, not that I've found so far!

  14. Yeah, adding a book to Goodreads is an exercise ... When you added the book, you should have been allowed to select the genre then. Go in and see if you can edit it ... That wasn't easy to figure out either.

    Added Fearless to my Goodreads. All signed up for the blogfest. Love the new badge. It's awesome.

  15. That badge looks great! You certainly have a lot going on! I'll have to stop by and visit you at all those sites.

  16. Ooooo. That badge gives me little goosebumps. Perfect!

  17. It's amazing what some people are able to do with photoshop. That is one nice piece of work. Thanks for pointing it out.

  18. Very evocative artwork on the badge--conjures up some childhood memories. Since I won't be able to participate in the blogfest, I'll name my favorite childhood monster in this comment. I was a huge fan of monsters and scary creatures, but the king of them all was Godzilla.

    Have a great blogfest and I try to visit as many as I can.

    Wrote By Rote

  19. I'm signed up for the Childhood Monster Blogfest. That will be a fun one. And that's a cool creepy badge. I'm putting it on my blog side bar.

  20. Thank you all! I'm so happy you like the new badge. And I have 35 people signed up for the blogfest so far. This is awesome!

  21. Wow, what a great badge! I added Fearless on Goodreads! So exciting!


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