
Monday, July 16, 2012

Agents are watching you on Twitter

I ran across this interesting article the other day on called "How Literary Agents Find Talent on Twitter."

I'm new to Twitter, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. I've discovered some wonderful writers and found a lot of useful information, though. I can't keep up with everything, but what I do get from it is worthwhile.

I wonder how agents pick out a writer amongst all the various ones out there. Interesting links, sure. Quirky quotes, okay. Hash tags, yup. How do you get attention in the massive land of Twitter when your tweet is just one of millions?

I think it comes down to luck. Yes, you have to put yourself out there and write quality stories, but in the end, only Lady Luck decides what happens. I think it's nice to think about an agent approaching you after seeing you on Twitter, but it's like winning the lottery. Don't depend on it. Go out and succeed on your own terms.


  1. It never even occurred to me to think about agents watching me on Twitter!

  2. That was an interesting article. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. No, it's never occurred to me either. That's a really interesting thought. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So true... luck has a lot to do with it.. and timing:)

  5. If they're looking for people on Twitter, I'm sunk!

  6. I'm with Alex, I don't do Twitter. Not my thing. "Go out and succeed on your own terms"- couldn't agree more.

  7. oh i had no idea that agents were watching! it adds just a little more pressure (i would think).

  8. They're usually only going to get interested after you've proved yourself in some other way. God (and Agent) helps those who help themselves.

  9. sometimes i hate luck. I'm sure I won't once I'm the lucky one.

  10. Thanks for popping in, folks! Hope you're having a good Monday. :)

  11. I found I was just wasting time on twitter and it wasn't benefiting me, so I gave it up. I guess I will find an agent the old fashioned way, by querying!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. I don't know how much Twitter is doing for me. My Facebook author page seems to be doing even less. I believe my blog is the most effective tool.

  12. I don't know if I would want an agent from twitter..but I am not an expert I am not sure what twitter even is!


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