
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wicked Wednesday - unconventional marketing

I've been doing a lot of research on this subject. There's several articles out there that give you tips on how to market your book. I tried to find information specifically for paranormal romances, but they gave the same tips as everyone else.

Here's a quick general summary:
- create a marketing plan
- promote using all available social media
- hold giveaways and contests
- make connections and use them
- write something good
- write more books

Most important aspect: luck.

All great information, but I want to know how to hook readers who are interested in paranormal romance. They stand out from other genre fans. They're more passionate about the stories they love shown through the rise in conventions for paranormal romance authors and books. There are tons of online communities, fanfiction galore, and role-playing games.

Hey, wait. I'm a paranormal romance fan. What would hook me? Most of the time, I go by word of mouth or I search for authors similar to those I already like. That's the sort of thing that has to be built up, though.

I came up with a few unconventional ways to draw paranormal romance readers to your book:
1) Go to conventions. Not just writing conventions, but movie and gaming ones. If your book has a particular theme like pop culture or technology, drop off some business cards or postcards at those conventions too. Volunteer at conventions. Be on panels or just in a booth helping out. Leave your cards everywhere. Let people see you and know you have the same interests as they do.
2) A lot of writers have book trailers these days. Take it a step further. Make a mini series. It doesn't even have to be your story itself, but maybe something that happened in that world or a story about a secondary character in the book. Funny little instructional videos on how to slay an octopus demon or how to trick a leprechaun. Something to draw the fans into your world.
3) It's not just about marketing your book these days, it's about marketing yourself. Do something unusual. Hold a masquerade or organize a zombie walk. Attract some media attention. Be involved, be different, and then make sure to include it all on your blog!

Do you do anything unconventional to promote yourself? Do you have any other tips for marketing to a specific genre?


  1. You could always try a podcast or something like that. I haven't done one...but I've heard of others that have.

  2. My creativity for promotion ideas is very limited lol. I do love the promotional mini series idea though!

  3. I love that "write something good" is included as a tip.

    I haven't had to wade into the marketing waters as of yet but when I do, I'm not sure I'll be very good at it.

    I like Michael's idea of a podcast.

  4. I'm a promotional dunderhead. But I'm trying to see what works. Reviews work - so if you can get people to review you, then your sales will rise. I can't do conventions or get myself noticed because, although I'm a Brit, I live in Portugal where no-one (seriously) is interested in me or my books LOL. Good luck!

    1. Review sites are good places to get noticed. It's too bad you live somewhere you can't go out and promote yourself, but the internet is full of possibilities!

  5. Those are some great ideas! I still have a way to go before I start thinking of marketing though. :-)

  6. you nailed it. you have to do the romance reader writer get together next year! and they had some steamy trailers & tons of free promotional stuff to give you ideas!

    1. That's really cool! I'll have to make a note to remember.

  7. i think this is the part of publishing I'm most scared about. It seems like there's so much luck invovled. But I like your wed series idea...hasn't been done before and might draw in fans.

  8. i will pass this along to my dil adie :)

  9. Ooo, I really like #2's marketing tip about the book trailers and making them different.

  10. Thank you folks! It seems like I'm not the only one who fears marketing. I'm not sure how much I could do in person, but I will make good use of the internet.

  11. The mini series idea is great! I'll keep it in mind for when I get that far with my books. :)

  12. Giving away the first in a series seems to help all of my releases. I think that helps. Have a newsletter/mailing list to capture names of those who want to read more of your stuff. Keep writing, writing, writing. Maybe a bunch of us should meet up and do a ghost hunt. lol I'd love to do a big foot hunt.

    Twitter lets you do some niche marketing ... search for titles of books or movies similar to yours, then talk to those people.

    Conventions are a good idea. I hope to attend a sci-fi one this fall. Halloween in April? Playing off the paranormal ... make up your own holiday?

    1. A Bigfoot hunt sounds awesome! Most of the posts and articles I read online said that the best way to sell your writing is by writing more. The more you put out, the more you sell. (Boy, that didn't sound right! *LOL*) Making up your own holiday sounds cool too.

  13. I'm already so unconventional, I'm afraid I would only scare potential readers off. I seriously need someone else to market for me. I'm potentially like the Wicked Witch of the West selling Ruby Slippers (then curling your toes and shriveling your feet).

  14. Everyone seems to like the mini series idea. I might have to look into doing something like that!

  15. Now that I have an e-book floating around out there, I'll have to consider some of this stuff!

  16. Oooh, those are fun ideas! I've always wanted to do an epic book trailer. A series is even better!

  17. Thanks for the tips. I always like adding ideas to my marketing list, and I would definitely attend a book masquerade! ;)

  18. Awesome post Christine... so many great ideas. Technically you don't need to do everything... just select a few and focus on them:)

  19. You're welcome! I like finding new tips about marketing too.


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