
Monday, June 4, 2012

Time slipping away

Just a quick post today. I don't have much free time on my hands these days. My son is napping less. Maybe it's the summer weather or he might be growing out the nap phase already. Ack! I hope it's not the latter! His nap time is the only solid period of time I get to myself each day to write. I need my writing time!

At least he starts preschool this August, and I'll get two mornings a week to write.

I'm curious to know how all the parent writers out there manage to find some time to write. Please give me your tips.

I'll never complain about the time I spend with my son, though. We have so much fun! Every smile is precious.


  1. I have no idea how you parents manage! Better Ninja skills than I possess I guess.

    1. I don't know how people do it with more than one kid! One child keeps me on the run all day.

  2. I don't sleep much. Not a very viable solution for most parents, and I don't recommend it. But I find the early mornings, or very late at night while the rest of my house sleeps, I'm quite productive.

    1. You're lucky you can function without a full night sleep. I need a minimum of eight hours or else I'm useless the next morning.

  3. I'm with jaybird: I don't really sleep anymore. I get up a couple of hours before the kids (usually around 6 a.m.) and I write after they go to bed, usually until about 1 or 2 a.m. I don't recommend this; I'm exhausted. Right now, though, it's the only way I can see. Hopefully, I'll get something else worked out soon. Good luck!

    1. Oh my! I need my eight hours a night. I'm already falling asleep by the time my son is in bed around 8:30! Good luck to you too.

  4. I've always been a "late night when everyone is sleeping" writer. But it gets easier as the kids get older--at least, it has for me. They play and do all sorts of things, and I can write then, or I can write in between homeschooling.

    I hope you get naptime a little longer!

    1. You lucked out with such great kids like that. :)

  5. I get writing time in whenever I can. If the kids are playing, I write. If the kids are still asleep, I write. If the kids just went to bed, I write. A lot of the time, my writing spurts come in 5 min increments (if I'm lucky). It's also how I read. I try to get in what I can when I can.

    1. That's about how it's going with me. Thankfully, my son doesn't mind if I'm reading a book, but the second I'm at the computer or writing on paper, he's right there wanting to get involved!

  6. I really just have to be fluid. Sometimes its morning, sometimes its night. Sometimes its on paper while I'm driving others around. It's not easy no matter what.
    Best of luck. Keep finding the time to write!

    1. Thank you! All of the parents I truly admire who can find time to do what they love.

  7. I write whenever I can - at the bus stop, at the dance studio, even in the bathroom. If you want some good, solid writing time, you may have to do it at night when your son goes to bed. That's what I have to do. In a few years, you'll be able to write during the day again.

    1. It amazes me where all the parents manage to find time to write. We have full time kindergarten in this state, so only three years until he's in school all day!

  8. I definitely don't get how parents can find time to write! Must be budgeting time a ton.

    1. I've definitely learned how to manage my free time better since my son was born.

  9. He is precious. I applaud all the writer-parents out there who find the time to write.

    1. Thank you! I'm in awe of the writer parents too.

  10. When my kid was little, I definitely wrote while he slept. Perhaps this is what's led me to becoming a nocturnal writer...And amen on not having enough time, sister. Amen, indeed. :-/
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. I'd love to be a nocturnal writer, but I'm ready to fall into bed when he does!

  11. I've not your issue, but know parents who write at ball games & when while waiting to pick their kid up from school. Some famous romance writer used to lock herself in the bathroom 20 minutes a day.

    My friend writes full time, is a single mom & has two boys. But they're in school. So, she works while they're at school.

    1. I might be able to lock myself in the bathroom like that! Wow, single mom with two boys and still can write. I'm in awe!

  12. well my oldest is 17 and although she is homeschooled, she does most of her studies on her own---my biggest problem is finding time to write if my husband is home!

    1. *LOL* Yes, me too. My husband takes as much time as my son!

  13. Your son is so adorable... Once you have those two mornings, you'll be able to fit in loads more writing:)

    1. Thank you! I'm eagerly counting down the days! Hehehe!

  14. You may not have a lot of time to write right now, but I'm guessing you are getting a lot of inspiration :)

  15. I didn't get anything done while my children were pre-school. It gets much better.

    I think it a good idea if you can manage it, to get a friend/Mom to take your boy for a few hours, on a playdate. Then you can return the favour. Mind you, I never managed to arrange anything like that. But it's good in theory.

    1. I'm happy to hear from the parents that it does get better. I don't know any other moms in town except for one and she works. All my friends work, and the few mom groups I joined scared me off!

  16. He is adorable! Enjoy your time with him, it will seem like just a moment of time has passed and he'll be in KG already. Just fit writing in here and there when you can for now :)


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