
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Six for June 23rd

1. I didn't get a chance for a Friday Five yesterday, so I added one and made it a Saturday Six. I had a good reason for it, though. Cherie Reich's Women of Foxwick is an awesome collection of fantasy short stories. You can read my review here.

2. I took the plunge. I made a Facebook fan page and opened a Twitter account. Twitter is a bit overwhelming. I managed to link it to my fan page, so that a Twitter update goes on there too. My Goodreads is linked to Twitter which then goes on to Facebook. I need to find a way to link my blog, LinkedIn, and Google+ to it now too. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about this! Anyway, yes. Please like my page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

3. I haven't done much writing at all this week. I've done a lot of networking research and creation. We'll count that as productive.

4. I edited my short story for this month and sent it to The World's Greatest Fantasy Writing Contest. My critique partners and my writing group liked it. My group agreed I needed to tighten the tension at the end. So I pulled the laces tight and cut out a bunch of words. Ouch.

5. My son is becoming more clearly introverted. I'm not surprised since my husband and I are introverts, but I had hoped that our son would have it a little easier. When we go places with a lot of people, he'll tell me there's "too many people" and ask to go home. He doesn't like share space with other people either. He'll go to the emptiest spot at the library, park or pool. I know how he feels, but it's going to be rough. I've been reading up on raising an introverted child. I hope I can do right by him. I don't want to traumatize him with any social situation as I was as a child, but I don't want him to miss out. I want him to understand there's nothing wrong with being an introvert. We're cool people too.

6. No plans for the weekend. Maybe a stop at the library and a walk in the woods. Have a good weekend, folks!


  1. Following you! Have a great weekend!

  2. Introverts are cool people!
    Welcome to Twitter. I have no idea what I am doing over there, but I'll follow you.

    1. I don't think I'll ever become a Twitter expert or anything, but I can tweet, retweet, and reply. I think that's about all I need to know! :)

  3. Following you on Twitter! I'm @raineerose.

    Enjoy your weekend. :)

  4. I'm sure your little guy will be just fine. Plenty of people suffer from the "too many people in one place!" syndrome, lol. Hubs and I are complete introverts, which is why I find it so odd I'm raising two very extrovert kids!
    It was just a couple of weeks ago I was looking for you on Twitter=) No wonder I couldn't find you! Glad you're there now though=) And Yay for the Facebook page! I've given it a "Like."

    1. Thank you! I tried Twitter ages ago and it scared me off. This time, I think I have a little better understanding of what to expect.

  5. So glad you're on Twitter now! It'll slow down for you soon enough. I think the trick is to kind of just do what you do. Talk about what you like to talk about. Follow people who follow you if they have similar interests, and generally have a good time. Don't obsess about numbers of followers, etc. They'll come.

    Lots of useful Twitter "Do's and Don't" lists out there. Read a couple of those and you'll quickly get the gist of it. I've had way more fun with Twitter than any other social media. Takes less time than blogging and lets me interact with writers just as much. But in a different way.

    Sounds like your son just enjoys his quiet time. I was a kid who would go play in my room by myself for hours-on-in growing up. Good practice for being a writer. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm taking it slow. I've figured out the basics. As you can see, I can at least retweet. ;)

      I was like that as a child (and an adult!) too. My husband and I work well together because we like our own space and quiet time.

  6. sounds like you have been having a productive week--i hope you win the contest!!--i think your son will be fine, just let him pick the empty parts, that's how i have always been too---the "experts" say it is much more "so-called normal" to do well on one to one contact than in a crowd ---have a nice walk :)

    1. Thank you! I do much better one-on-one myself. I'm happy that my son's preschool class this fall will be a very small one. Six kids at the most. I think that's a good introduction to a school environment for an introvert.

  7. Already liked you on facebook. :) OI don't really enjoy twitter. I have a really old account, but I never use it. I use networked blogs through facebook for my blogposts. networking is a pretty important part of being an author. Good luck with it all.

    1. Thanks! Networking can be difficult and time consuming, but I realize it is vital. It's really great to be part of such a great writing community, though.

  8. Good luck at the Contest Christine, I;ve just submitted my own story a few days ago...Kisses and the best of luck :).

    1. Thanks! Good luck to you too! :) Wouldn't it be awesome if we both got accepted into the book!?

  9. i was more of an introvert, my oldest was when he was younger. But once he started school he came out of his shell. it was rough for a bit.

    1. My son starts preschool this August. Two mornings a week, but hopefully it will help him. I expect it will be rough for a while since he's never been separated from me since he was born.

  10. I'm now following you on twitter and facebook...:)

    I'm an introvert too, as is my hubby:)

  11. I can relate to being introverted. My writing persona isn't, but I am. Sounds like you're doing all you can for your son to best cope with a world in which extroverts rule the way.

    Have a good week, Christine.

  12. Great FB fan page. I liked :) A walk in the woods sounds like fun. Hope your weekend was great!

    1. Thank you! We didn't get to the woods, but we had fun at a park.

  13. ok i've started following you on Twitter!
    did you get that walk in the woods or trip to the library done?


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