
Monday, June 18, 2012

Interesting e-book market info

This is good news for those of you who have e-books or plan to have one out in the near future. Click the link to paidContent and their article, "What will the global e-book market look like by 2016?" As much as some of us love our paper books, the world is going digital.

The article basically states experts project "that e-books will make up 50% of the U.S. trade book market by 2016." The rest of the world isn't moving toward digital as fast as the U.S., but there's a slow rise in numbers. The same company also estimated that in the first quarter of this year, "around 30% of adults (in the U.S.) had at least one portable reading device."

It's getting easier to self-publish. There are more and more opportunities for writers to put themselves out there. Having a publisher is nice, but we aren't reliant on them any more.

I'll be giving it a try this year. I'm nervous, but it's exciting. What about you? Have you published an e-book and what has your experience been like? Do you plan to?


  1. Very interesting details... though not surprising... I know your self published story will do very well:)

  2. Very good news! If everything goes well, my first self-published e-book will be out next month! :D

  3. I read that on someone else's blog last week as well. I am a total eBook convert and can see it happening.

  4. If this makes any sense, I love the fact that writers have more choices, and viable options available to them, but personally, I just don't like reading on a Kindle. The battery always wears down, faster than I do! SO, I have definite mixed emotions here.

  5. it's great for writers to have more chocies! and probably easier to pimp your book out on the e-book market. Let me know when you publish your book so i can download it on BOTH my kindles :)

  6. I'm not a convert yet, but I can see that the book world is moving towards e-books. I'm set in my ways, but I'm sure I'll come around--eventually. ;)

  7. I'm seriously considering self-publishing my novella. Not sure where to start, though. I know Amazon Kindle owns the biggest slice of e-book users, but . . . There's just so much out there. Need to do some research.

  8. i see it as the book space in stores dwindles!

    and please get it prof edited, i have read so many self pub books that should have waited or spent the money for editing. heard so many regret pubbing too early...

    yours will be awesome! just do it right!

  9. Thank you all! :) I still greatly prefer print books. I've had a Nook for a while now, but I rarely get a chance to use it. Having a gadget in my hand while the boy is around isn't a good idea!

  10. I'm an ebook convert. I've read two paperback books this year and the rest were ebooks. And you know I'm already publishing ebooks. ;)

  11. I read both paperbacks and ebooks. I'm a die hard paperback reader.Oh, the smell of a new book and caressing those fingers and making sure it's full of dog ears by the time i'm reading the last page..LOL. My kindle is also full of ebooks.
    Oh I'm planning to self pub my YA novella later this year. not sure how it works, but it should be ok. I'm nervous as well.

    1. och! I meant cressing those pages with my fingers. I guess the heat wave is finally taking it's toll on me.

    2. I think we all caress our books now and then! *LOL*

  12. And do phones count as ereaders? Because I know lots of people who read books on their phones. One person this weekend said he has an ereader but prefers it on his phone.

    I haven't self-pubbed, but if the R&R I'm working on doesn't pan out, I will self-pub later this year.

  13. Don't expect a lot right out of the gate. The key, so I've heard, is series and getting product out. The more we get out, the better. So, it requires some patience, which I kind of suck at. lol

    With that said, the new one is going well. But it's free. It's led to sales of the other though. We'll see how all that holds up when the next one goes out ...

    But it is good news.

    1. Thanks for the advice, and that's great news about your book! I thoroughly enjoyed it myself. :)

  14. I think its great that writers have lots of choices, I'm hooked on my Kindle, and have no problem reading on devices such as my phone or Ipod.

    I still like a 'proper' novel now and again, but e-books are most certainly the way forward.

  15. I have to admit I didn't think I'd like the ebook but I do. I think choices are great and it is a great time to be an artist. =)

  16. So far so good with the ebooks! Who would have thought this was possible ten years ago? Not me. But I'm having a lot of fun with it and hopefully make some money along the way.


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