
Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Five for June 29th

1. I managed to get a little writing done this week on my new project. I'm not as far along as I hoped, but I've gotten past a plot hump that was frustrating me. It was just one of those cases where I had to push through and if it sounds awkward, I'll fix it in the rewrite.

2. I've been doing a lot of reading this year. The number is nearing 70 books. I wish I had more opportunity to read ebooks, though. I have a big "stack" of them on my Nook, but I rarely use it. I can't have it on around my son, because he'll want to play with it. And when he's done for his nap or for the night, I have other things I need to do on the computer. My poor Nook would be neglected if my husband hadn't scooped it up. He takes it to work with him and already has two flash drives full of game books he reads on it.

3. I'm excited that so many people loved my cover for Fearless. As is my nature, I was really nervous about it. I debated about what to put on it. It is a paranormal romance, and it definitely isn't a romantic cover. Yet I feel it does represent my story, especially with Tawa being such an important part of it.

4. My friend and fellow writer, M. Pepper Langlinais has self-published her novella, "St. Peter in Chains." You can find it on Amazon. She promises to have it in other formats soon. She's a clever writer and has a way with words few others manage. I haven't read it yet, but I have my copy. I can't wait to read it! I hope to have her on for a guest post or an interview soon. Here's the blurb: Peter Stoller is a consummate professional--as a British intelligence agent, he's at the top of his game and has never had trouble separating his work from his personal life. But when he meets cabbie Charles Toulson, his personal life takes a turn he wasn't expecting.

5. We have no plans for the weekend other than staying out of this horrid heat. My husband recently got the adult card game, Cards against Humanity. It's like Apples to Apples but kicked up a notch! We're trying to set up a time with friends to play, but it's hard to arrange a night good for everyone.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love Apples to Apples! Friday night at my house is Family Fun Night, where I allow the kids to eat (on a blanket) on the floor of the family room, and we play games all night. Apples to Apples is one of their favorites.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait until my son is older and we can have game night. :)

  2. Sounds like a good week! Now have a great weekend, too! :)

  3. i'm feeling bad - i've only read maybe 10 books so far this year! it doesn't compare to your 70!

  4. i need to step up my reading--i have to get in the mood ---that sounds like an interesting game, your husband is into!!

    1. It's a fun game. Makes all us adults laugh like hyenas!

  5. Haven't heard of Cards Against Humanity but since I love Apples to Apples, it sounds like a game I must check out.

    And getting past a p;lot hump is huge. Good going!!

    1. Thanks! Apples to Apples is tons of fun. I haven't played in ages, though. Can't wait until my son is old enough for game night!

  6. With you on the heat Christine. Thank goodness for AC!

    That card game sounds fun, going to have to check it for sure. :)

    Hope you have a good weekend and upcoming holiday!

    1. Thanks! The heat is horrible here. And it's only the end of June! Eek!

  7. I'm definitely with you about the heat. Congrats to getting over your plot hump and that's awesome about M. Pepper's book! I'll have to check it out.

    1. Thanks! Though, now I have to start on a short story for July since my writer's meeting is a week earlier next month.

  8. That game sounds fun- it's blistering here as well and all the ash and smoke is coming into Casper, wy from Douglas and Colorado to smog up the city here.Have a great weekend.

    1. Wow. Hope you guys still safe there. The whole country needs a good dose of rain.

  9. Yay for pulling through that rough patch! I can't believe you've read that many books this year! I'm just shy of 30, don't know how you do it!

    1. I'm a super fast reader. I actually didn't know I read this much myself. It's my first year keeping track of the numbers!

  10. Those are a lot of books read in six months! :)

    I hope it cools down where you are. Seems like the continent's being swept by heat and bad weather.

    1. The weather has been terrible this summer. Now our air-conditioner is hanging on by a thread!

  11. Never heard of apples to apples... will have to check it out. Well done on starting a new story:)

    1. I think you'd love Apples to Apples. Great to play with a group of friends. Thanks!

  12. Sounds like a real productive week. 70 books in 6 months with a small child at home. You are a Superhero.

    1. I'm a really fast reader. Plus, if my son's doing something on his own for a few minutes, I can read without disturbing him.

  13. I love this Five for Friday idea. I keep meaning to do it, myself. Is it your idea, Christine?

    Thank for sharing your week. And stay frosty!

    1. A lot of other people do Five for Friday or some variation on it. I just nabbed the idea! :)

      Have a wonderful weekend!


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